Anjali who recently appeared after 5 days at DCP office, apologised for her acts to media and police. However sources say there are many dark developments behind her disappearance. 

According to insiders Anjali never went to Mumbai but stayed in a renowned producer's guest house in Hyderabad. All this only to get back their property from their aunt and uncle. Anjali's brother played crucial role in the entire drama and though police were aware of her whereabouts, since two state ministers intervened, even they enacted the disappearance drama. 

There were reports that Sravanti Ravikishore and dubbing film maker Suresh Kondeti are also behind the episode. Doubts turn towards them with Suresh Kondeti coming to the conference after Anjali's appearance in front of police. Buzz is Anjali later drove to his guest house only. Some suspect these two film makers played these tricks only to cash in on to Anjali's craze but many say Anali's enacted this just due to her arrogance.


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