Hyderabad, April 23: In a startling finds one gets doubts whether Natasimha Balakrishna who is nurturing political ambitions is his father NTR's backstabber. His father NTR who is popular for having utmost self respect and who is credited with invoking telugu pride with his party Telugu Desam, vowed not to step into the village of Nimmakuru, Krishna dist, the moment his co brother's son Venkataratnam demolished the party flag post and the adjacent hospital building, the day before his arrival as CM.

The moment he was informed, he was pained at the way his relatives started behaving, though he did lot of developments projects for the place he loves. Even Nimmakuru villagers remember NTR and rever him a lot. However now they are surprised that his son Balakrishna dined with the enemies of his father, by visiting Venkataratnam's son's house not once but thrice and even staying there. To the top of it he insulted his father, without garlanding his statue only because Jr.NTR unvieled his grand father NTR and grand mother Basavatarakam statue during his visit.

Many feel Harikrishna is furious over this and even Nimmakuru villagers who are surprised wrote letters to TDP office. It has to be seen what CBN and Balayya says about this.


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