ew Delhi, April 2: A 67-year-old US-based non-resident Indian (NRI) raped a Nepali woman here on pretext of marrying her, police said Tuesday. The accused was arrested and sent to judicial custody.Raj Dhingra raped the 47-year-old woman inside a guest house in north Delhi's Majnu Ka Tilla area Monday night on pretext of marrying her."After the rape when Dhingra refused to marry the victim, she sent a message to her brother about the incident. Victim's brother informed police about the incident around 12.40 a.m. Tuesday and the accused was arrested from a guest house," said a police officer.The officer informed that after the medical examination of the victim, Dhingra was arrested and later sent to judicial custody by a district court.The victim told police that she had approached Dhingra after finding his contact number from a matrimonial advertisement.Dhingra's family lives in west Delhi's Janakpuri area while the woman lives in Govindpuri area in south after separation from her husband. 


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