తెలంగాణ 'రియల్' షాక్  !!

హైదరాబాద్ : రియల్టర్లు షాక్ నుంచి తేరుకోలేకపోతున్నారు. భాగ్యనగరిలోఒకప్పుడు కనకవర్షం కురిపించిన స్థిరాస్తుల రంగం ఇప్పుడు పెద్ద గుదిబండగా మారింది. ఆర్ధిక మాంద్యం దెబ్బుకు దాదాపు రెండేళ్లపాటు రెండు కళ్లూ తేలేసిన రియల్ ఎస్టేట్ వ్యాపారం 'తెలంగాణ' దెబ్బతో మరింత సంక్షోభంలోకి కూరుకుపోతోంది. వేల కోట్ల రూపాయలు పెట్టుబడులు పెట్టిన రియల్టర్లు నెత్తిన చెంగేసుకోక తప్పేటట్లు లేదు. ఐటి ఉద్యోగుల పుణ్యమాని ఆస్తులు హాట్ కేకులుగా అమ్ముడుపోయేవి. బూమ్...బూమ్ అంటూ బిల్డర్ల ఇష్టానుసారం ధరలు నిర్ణయించిన గతించాయి. ఇప్పుడు ఆ ఉత్సాహం హరించుకుపోయింది. తాము చేపట్టిన ప్రాజెక్టులు ఒక్కసారిగా గుండెలపై కుంపట్లుగా మారిపోవడంతో డెవలపర్లు కుదేలైపోయారు. నివాస, వాణిజ్య భవనాల సముదాయాల కోసం స్థలాలు కొనుగోలు చేసిన పలువురు బిల్డర్లు ఇకముందు ఏమి చేయాలో తోచక అయోమయంలో కొట్టుమిట్టాడుతున్నారు. కొనుగోలుదారులలో ఆసక్తి నశించింది. ఇప్పటికే ప్రాజెక్టు ప్రారంభించిన వారు వాటిని ఎలా పూర్తి చేయాలో, అమ్ముడుపోకుండా మిగిలిపోయినవాటిని ఎలా వదిలించుకోవాలో తెలియని స్థితిలో పడ్డారు.

ఈ రంగాన్ని వేధిస్తున్న వాస్తవ పరిస్థితులను పరిగణనలోకి తీసుకుంటే పలువురు తమ ప్రాజెక్టులను వాయిదా వేసుకోవలసి వస్తున్నదని నిర్మాణ పరిశ్రమలోని వారు నిస్సంకోచంగా అంగీకరిస్తున్నారు. 'అసంపూర్తిగా ఉన్న కట్టడాలు, పురోగతిలేని ప్రాజెక్టులు మున్ముందు వివిధ ప్రదేశాలలో దృగ్గోచరం కానున్నాయి' అని ఒక బిల్డర్ చెప్పారు. జాగింగ్ ట్రాక్ లు, అత్యున్నత స్థాయి ఫెన్సింగ్ తో, అల్ట్రా-మోడర్న్ అపార్టుమెంట్లలో విలాసవంతమైన జీవితాన్ని సమకూర్చే నిటారు టవర్లతో కూడిన బస్తీలుగా విలసిల్లవలసిన సముదాయాలు ఇప్పుడు కనీసం నిర్మాణాన్నైనా పూర్తి చేసుకోలేని స్థితిలో పడ్డాయి. మొండిగోడలతో బూత్ బంగ్లాల్లా మారిపోయే ప్రమాదం ఉందనీ ఆయన ఆవేదన చెందారు. నగరంలోను, పరిసర ప్రాంతాలలోను, చాలా వరకు శివారు ప్రాంతాలలోను సుమారు 300 ప్రాజెక్టులు రావలసి ఉంది. 'వాటిలో నిర్మాణ పనులు సాగుతుండాలి. కాని చిన్నవి, పెద్దవి కలిపి కనీసం 200 పైచిలుకు ప్రాజెక్టులు వివిధ సమస్యలలో చిక్కుకున్నట్లు నా భావన. కొనుగోలుదారులు ఉత్సాహం చూపకపోవడమే ప్రధాన సమస్యగా ఉన్నది' అని ఒక బిల్డర్ చెప్పారు. బూమ్ సమయంలో నిర్మాణ పరిశ్రమలోని వారిని ఒకే వేదికపైకి తీసుకువచ్చి ఒక సంఘాన్ని ఏర్పాటు చేయడానికి ఆయన ప్రయత్నించారు.

ఇంకా ప్రారంభించవలసి ఉన్న ప్రాజెక్టులను వాయిదా వేస్తున్నారని, ఇప్పటికే పనులు ప్రారంభమైన ప్రాజెక్టులను నిలుపుదల చేస్తున్నారని ఈ పరిశ్రమలో ఉన్న మరి కొందరు తెలియజేశారు. 'అమ్మకాలు దారుణంగా పడిపోయాయి. భారీగా మదుపు పెట్టినవారు చాలా మంది పరిస్థితి కుడితిలో పడిన ఎలుక చందంగా ఉన్నది' అని మరొక బిల్డర్ పేర్కొన్నారు. ఆయన తన 16 యూనిట్ల నాలుగు అంతస్తుల అపార్టుమెంట్ ప్రాజెక్టును నిలుపుదల చేశారు.

 వాస్తవానికి ఆర్థిక మాంద్యం ప్రభావం రియల్ ఎస్టేట్ రంగంపై పడింది. కాని దాని వల్ల పనులు నిలచిపోలేదు. కొన్ని అమ్మకాలు జరిగాయి. త్వరలోనే పరిస్థితులు మెరుగుపడతాయని పరిశ్రమలోని వారు ఆశలు పెట్టుకున్నారు. అయితే, తెలంగాణ ఉద్యమం, తత్పర్యవసానాలు పరిశ్రమను దారుణంగా దెబ్బ తీశాయి. 'సాధ్యమైనంత త్వరలో మామూలు పరిస్థితులు నెలకొనని పక్షంలో పరిస్థితులు మరింత అధ్వాన్నం కావచ్చు. మాకు భారీగా నష్టాలు వస్తున్నాయి' అని పరిశ్రమ తెలియజేసింది.

కొనుగోలుదారుల అనాసక్తిని ప్రతిబింబిస్తూ బుకింగ్ ల రద్దు లేదా ఉపసంహరణ పెరిగిపోతున్నది. బ్యాంకు రుణాలను ఉపయోగించుకుని ఫ్లాట్లు కొనుగోలు చేసిన వారు ఆతరువాత రుణాల మొత్తాలను తిరిగి విడుదల చేయవద్దనే అభ్యర్థనలతో బ్యాంకుల వద్దకు వెళుతున్నారు.
ఈ ప్రభావానికి ఎక్కువగా గురైన ప్రాంతాలు నిజామ్ పేట, మియాపూర్. బూమ్ సమయంలో అక్కడి డిమాండ్ బాగా ఎక్కువగా ఉంది. బూమ్ సమయంలో అక్కడ చిన్నవి, పెద్దవి కలిపి కొన్ని ప్రాజెక్టుల పనులను ప్రారంభించారు. కాని ఇప్పుడు బిల్డర్లు కొనుగోలుదారులను రప్పించుకోలేకపోతున్నారు. అయితే, భారీ ప్రాజెక్టులకు నెలవైన గచ్చిబౌలి, పరిసర ప్రాంతాలు మరికొంత కాలం ఈ ప్రభావాన్ని తట్టుకోగలవని భావిస్తున్నారు.

పరిశ్రమ లెక్కల ప్రకారం, ఆస్తుల ధరలు గణనీయంగా పడిపోయాయి. బూమ్ సమయంలోని ధరలతో పోలిస్తే ఈ తగ్గుదల 25 శాతం నుంచి 40 శాతం మధ్య ఉంది. శీఘ్రంగా లాభాలు ఆర్జించాలనే ఆశతో రంగంలోకి కొత్తగా ప్రవేశించిన వారిలో పలువురు ఈ పరిశ్రమ సమస్యలు ఎదుర్కొనసాగడంతో రంగంలో నుంచి నిష్క్రమించనారంభించారు. 'నగరంలోను, శివారు ప్రాంతాలలోను కార్యకలాపాలు చేపట్టిన బిల్డర్ల సంఖ్య గడచిన సంవత్సర కాలంలో 50 శాతం మేర పడిపోయిందని చెప్పవచ్చు' అని గ్రేటర్ హైదరాబాద్ బిల్డర్ల సమాఖ్యకు చెందిన ప్రభాకరరావు పేర్కొన్నారు. 'పరిశ్రమలో అంతా అయోమయంలో పడ్డారు. కొనుగోలుదారులు వెనుకకు తగ్గడంతో బిల్డర్లకు ఏమి చేయాలో పాలుపోవడం లేదు' అని ఆయన చెప్పారు.


1.0 So Where do We Stand at the Year End?

It has been good year, only for New Home buyers with prices of apartments and plots coming down from the highs of 2007 /08. While year 2008 and saw consistent fall throughout which continued till first quarter of 2009. The price fall stopped after April 09 elections.

In third quarter, it looked as if prices are creeping up but then it stopped and have been stable since then.

The Telanagana separation issue heated up by end November. Though the general perception was that market will nose dive, what we see is absolute stability. There has not been any price fall so far due to Telanagana agitation, which is against normal expectations.

All of the NRI visitors who came down in December and have been looking around for special deals, have unfortunately failed to find any.

The reason is not hard to find. The prices came down from the peak of 2007 in several sudden jerks. The major reasons were the change in building regulations, previous TRS agitation and then the economic slow down which hit the country in last quarter of 2008 and continued well into second half of 2009. After having fallen a good deal over 2 years, there seem to be no more leeway for builders to reduce.

In fact, Hyderabad apartment rates are now comparable to those in tier 2 cities like Pune, Cochin, Coimbatore, Vizag, Vijaywada etc in equivalent localities, unlike earlier.


Historic Hyderabad Apartment Rates

Fall from the peak rate of 2007 near Hitec City is 21.4%. So value of your investment in any apartment near Hitec made in 2007, has come down by 21.4%.

This is nothing compared to erosion in Nizampet road, where fall is close to 30% . (Prices have fallen from 2800/sft to Rs.2000/sft now, which amounts to 28.6% fall)

3.0 Constructed Area Vs Land

The possible impact of division of the state seem to have already been discounted by the market. Also pure speculative investment by Andhraites in Apartments is miniscule and will have no impact on the market. There is NRI investment but that will NOT get wholly pulled out if state splits tomorrow. Even if there is some pull out that will be insignificant to cause any concern in market.

So even if there is a division tomorrow we can not expect significant fall in apartment rates. No new projects will get launched for quite some time now, helping market to slowly absorb the current excess inventory, while prices remain relatively stable.

But this may not be true in the case of land. Unlike apartments, almost 90% investment in land is speculative and most of this has been by Builders and Investors from Andhra Region. NRI investment is insignificant compared to thousands and thousands of acres held by people from Andhra for pure investment or for business purposes 360 degrees around and inside the core areas of the city.

Since the land investors are largely into big business, knee-jerk business interest could drive land holders to sell and re-invest in Andhra hoping to get positive return earlier. This could negatively impact land and plot rates. HOWEVER, do note that this withdrawal will only be sentimental and for few months, after which things should stabilize and start looking up.

4.0 Division. Why is it necessary?

Everyone would agree that if YSR was alive, the present situation would not have arose at all. His absence has turned the political dynamics, head over heals. AP ended up with a CM who himself declared that he is directionless and clueless. The CM was unable to judge the actual inner mood of people and elected reps, before "leaving everything to Center". Great leaders should be able to know the underlying sentiments. But that was not to be.

After having opened the bottle, it would be foolish to withhold division, anymore. In the interest of all Telugu people and to ensure that enmity do not arise between people, the state has to be split with suitable negotiated arrangement between the different regions. Both states could and WILL work towards overall development of individual states.

The primary concern of Andhraites is loss of Hyderabad and they worry that their investment in Hyderabad will lose considerable value. However, sentiment is clouding the FACT that for Telangana State, Hyderabad will be a gem which they will protect and polish. So after the initial hiccup we will see Hyderabad developing possibly faster than what we have seen in last 2 to 3 years.

5.0 Possible Division Scenarios

(Whatever be the decision, do note that there are extremely complicated issues to be resolved which could take years. Sharing of Water, Power and Cost ofand access to existing infrastructure which currently the whole of AP enjoys like dams, mines, ports, airports, highways etc )

OPTION 1. Two States with Hyderabad as Telengana Capital. Vizag or Vijayawada as Andhra/Rayalaseema Capital. There will be issue of Compensation.

OPTION 2. Two States with Hyderabad as combined Capital for 10 Years while TWO brand new capital cities are built in two states. During this period, the States will resolve critical issues like sharing of water, power etc

After 10 years, Hyderabad could become a State or a UT. Look at how even with Delhi there, Noida and Gurgaon has developed on either side. Noida and Gurgoan have grown into gigantic cities.

We could do much better by custom designing cities with huge roads and other infrastructure like the Chinese have done. Instead of ONE Hyderabad, people of Andhra and Telengana could have THREE World Class Cities.

Looking at the current situation in which the people of the state are in, it will be wise to go for the Second Option. All free thinking people whether from Andhra or Telangana will agree to this position.

Its heard that the Second Option is being discussed in Delhi. If all Parties sit down and start discussing, an agreed position will emerge.

Instead of taking to streets and damaging private properties across the State, lets hope the leaders will call off all agitations and start serious discussions to decide on the modalities of division.


Hyderabad, Dec. 30: For the first time, Telangana bandh went off peacefully barring stray incidents. Agitators expressed their protest in a noble way instead of damaging public and private property.

The agitators played cricket, volleyball and other games on roads while raising pro-Telangana slogans Telangana in many districts such as Warangal, Khammam, Karimnagar and Adliabad. Women activists participated in "Batukamma' celebrations while organising lunch for all the agitators on highways.

The JAC's call for peaceful protest and heavy deployment of police prevented agitators from violence and attacks.

Shops and business establishments, educational institutes, petrol bunks, banks, government offices were closed because of the bandh. Passengers were put to hardship due to the cancellation of 8,000 buses and 165 trains in the T- region.

According to the police, around 900 persons were arrested as preventive measure. The DGP, Mr R.R. Girish Kumar, said there were road blockades in Nalgonda and Mahbubnagar. "Buses were not allowed to ply in order to avoid unnecessary damage," he said.

Around 434 agitators were arrested in the twin cities. JAC members and political leaders who took part in the protests were taken into preventive custody including the JAC chairman, Mr Kodandaram, TD MLAs Mr Nagam Janardhan Reddy, Mr Devender Goud and the state BJP chief, Mr Bandaru Dattatreya. Additional DG (law and order) Mr A.K. Khan said there were no major violent incidents in the state.



GUNTUR, Dec. 30: Guntur-based builders are worried over the Telangana agitation.

The builders who are building apartments for the past 15 years in Hyderabad have already reduced the prices of the apartments. They are not in a position to take up any more new ventures in Hyderabad and fear that if T-agitation is continued they cannot sell the apartments.

The builders who had already started construction of apartments are fearing that they cannot sell them. Settlers in Hyderabad are not coming forward to purchase apartments due to the T-agitation and recession has already hit the apartment sales.

SVS homes managing director, Mr Kandula Subba Rao said, "I have been building apartments for the past 15 years in Hyderabad. If the T-agitation is continued we cannot build any more apartments." He said settlers are not coming forward to purchase apartments.

The builders who had invested crores of rupees on the apartments are worried that they if they complete the ventures, they cannot sell the apartments. Some of the settlers are selling their apartments at lower prices. "If the same situation prevails construction of apartments will come to a grinding halt in Hyderabad," he said. Another builder, Mr Yaganti Subba Rao said, recession hit the construction activity in Hyderabad. NRIs and software employees are not purchasing the luxurious apartments in Hyderabad due to recession. Settlers are feeling insecure.

Some of the Software employees who have purchased the apartments with bank loans are not paying their loan installments to the banks.

The banks are conducting auctions and selling the apartments. Some builders have reduced the profit margins and selling the apartments to come out of the financial crisis.



VIJAYAWADA, Dec. 30: With the agitation for separate Telangna state gaining momentum, demand for apartments is gradually picking up in and around Vijayawada city.

The builders are hopeful of selling over 600 flats unsold during the last two years due to economic meltdown and liquidity crunch. Nearly 200 builders constructed about 3,000 flats in and around the city when the state witnessed realty boom for nearly one decade. Due to recession over 600 apartments mostly unfinished remained unsold.

The builders were in a helpless condition and waited for nearly two years expecting recovery of the economy. With the Telangana agitation starting unexpectedly three weeks ago, the builders are hopeful of recovering the loss. Most realtors purchased land at high prices during the boom and invested crores of rupees for the construction of commercial complexes and residential apartments.

Mr Gadde Rajling, the president of the Vijayawada Builders Association, said demand for apartments is gradually increasing during the last three weeks with the rise of Telangana agitation. He said many buyers are eagerly inquiring the prices of flats and paying advance. Mr Rajling said settlers in Hyderabad are thinking that it would be safe to invest in their native places or districts. He felt the economy is also gradually recovering during the last few months.

Both Telangana agitation and gradual economic recovery would enable the builders to sell the flats in and around the city. Mr Rajling said the buyers are offering 30 per cent price more now compared to six months ago.

Mr P.V.R. Raju, another builder, said average rate per square feet is Rs 3,000. But, the price varies from one place to the other. He said the builders are adopting wait and see policy and not preparing up to take up new ventures or construction.

Onetime builders are unlikely to take a risk again, said another builder, Mr Vishnu Sureddy, the general secretary of the Builders Association of Vijayawada.




Hyderabad, Dec. 30: The 13 state ministers hailing from Telangana have reportedly decided to withdraw the resignations, which they submitted to the Congress president, Mrs Sonia Gandhi.

A meeting held at the residence of the major irrigation minister, Mr Ponnala Lakshmaiah, took stock of the situation and decided to follow the high command directive by withdrawing their resignations.

Meanwhile, an emergency meeting of the Joint Action Committee under the chairmanship of Prof. Kodandaram reviewed the situation and expressed its happiness over the move to convene talks. The meeting decided to continue the agitations peacefully in Telangana region in view of the talks. The Telangana Rashtra Samiti chief, Mr K. Chandrasekhar Rao, said JAC representatives also will attend the Delhi talks.

The PCC chief, Mr D. Srinivas, too, is planning to have an interaction with the 13 ministers on Thursday wherein he would convey the serious view taken by the party high command of their actions and instruct them to withdraw their resignations.

Accordingly, the ministers will again write to Mrs Gandhi expressing their satisfaction at the Centre convening a meeting on January 5 to resolve the Telangana issue and will announce their decision to withdraw their resignations.

Mr Lakshmaiah told this correspondent that a final decision on the ministers' resignations will be taken on Thursday. But another minister, Suneetha Laxma Reddy, while speaking to reporters, said the Telangana ministers will continue their non-cooperation till the Centre initiated the process for formation of a separate state.



Hyderabad, Dec. 29: The Chief Minister, Mr K. Rosaiah, on Tuesday presented a gloomy picture of the industrial sector in the state.

He said that several companies were shifting proposed projects to other states or deferring investments because of Telangana troubles.

Mr Rosaiah made these observations after the representatives of the Confederation of Indian Industry, the Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry, besides captains of top pharma and IT companies met him to express concern at the state of affairs.

According to the CM, Bharat Forge Limited dropped investment proposals in the state and decided to shift to Gujarat. Peugeot, Kaparo, Lakshmi Mittal, Brandix, J.P. Morgan and Stanley, United Health Group and leading pharma ESAI have all deferred investments.

"The image of Hyderabad as an investment destination has taken a beating because of the violence," he said.

Bulk drug industry alone suffered loss of Rs 500 crore in the past 20 days and the hotel industry suffered losses with reservations dropping by 40 per cent, he said.

Meanwhile, the CM is making a last-minute effort to retain the two-day CII summit which was scheduled to be held on January 21 at Hyderabad but is now being shifted to Chennai.

The Union commerce minister, Mr Anand Sharma, categorically told Mr Rosaiah that the event would be held in the city only if the Union home ministry concurred.

The PM, Dr Manmohan Singh, is scheduled to inaugurate the summit.



Sherawat has been voted as one of Asia’s 100 most beautiful people by the Hong Kong based fashion and beauty magazine, Cover.

Mallika Sherawat
is an Indian actress and model. Known for her public openness, she is frequently featured in the Indian media as a sex symbol. Mallika’s onscreen debut was in Lak Tunoo, a music video by Surjit Bindrakhia. She attracted wide notice with her appearance in the 2003 movie Khwahish. In 2004, she starred in Murder, a film inspired by Hollywood’s Unfaithful. She received a nomination for Best Actress at the Zee Cine Awards ceremony for her performance in Murder. The film went on to become one of the biggest hits of the year. Since then, Sherawat has been known for her courage to express her opinions in public, as well as because of the reaction to some of her statements. She also made news when she won a small role in a Jackie Chan movie, The Myth; she made a widely publicized appearance at the Cannes Film Festival to promote The Myth. However, her performance in the 2006 film Pyaar Ke Side Effects co-starring Rahul Bose won her praise from around the industry, and the film also garnered decent collections at the box office becoming a moderate success. She is now beginning to work in the Kollywood (Tamil) film industry as well after her item number in a Kannada film.

Her debut was Dasavathaaram, starring Kamal Haasan, Asin, and Jayapradha, in which she plays one of the lead antagonists. Her first 2007 release was Himesh Reshammiya’s Aap Ka Suroor - The Real Love Story, where she played a “vampish role”. Mallika herself has protested, saying that it is a negative role but not a vamp role. With Aap Ka Suroor she has become the most expensive “Item Girl”, as she charged Rs. 1.5 crore for her Item number in the movie. Aap Ka Suroor did well at the box office. Her last release of 2007 was Welcome which also did well at the box office receiving blockbuster status. Sherawat has been voted as one of Asia’s 100 most beautiful people by the Hong Kong based fashion and beauty magazine, Cover.

Watch news from Local Channel!!


ND Tiwari SEX with Teenage Girls, Massage, SEX with daily new Girls.... read more

Radhika, a contractor who is close to the OSD Aravind Sharma who works with Governor Narayan Dutt Tiwari exposed the whole scandal to ABN Andhrajyothi. Here also, mines are involved. Radhika who tried for Mining leases in Kadapa with thehelp of Aravind Sharma and N.D.Tiwari exposed the whole story as she couldn’t get the needed contract. Radhika’s guest house is Raj Bhavan. whenver she enters hyderabad she resides in Raj Bhavan. Wah..

While N.D.Tiwari having sex with the girls, if any leaders or officers come on any work, he’ll tkae a break and will go down for a while to see those leaders and come back to work with girls. Wah..

And N.D.Tiwari has special requirements on the girls that he needed, and he has the requirement on the minimum number of girls to spend with.

Videos and Pictures of these ugly incidents which are happening in Andhra Pradesh Raj Bhavan. N.D.Tiwari, who was the chief minister of Uttara Pradesh for three times, and the first chief minister of Uttaranchal is having sexual pleasures with contract ladies who are around 20 years of age. They blackmail the girls with the photos and videos that they took with those girls.

Radhika also said that there are other leaders from ruling party who come to the raj bhavan for sex. Raj Bhavan become brothal house.

Rohith, who is the son of N.D.Tiwari and Ujwala Sharma who lost a court case recently. He requested the court to order N.D.Tiwari to accept him as his son. But our great courts rejected this appeal.

Now, Andhra Pradesh Police rounded up the studio of ABN ANdhrajyothi to force them to stop telecasting the live show on N.D.Tiwari’s sexual affairs. ABN ANdhrajyothi received High court order from P.Sridhar Rao, chief prinicpal secretary saying that Andhrajyothi ABN should stop telecasting the story on governor immediately. Respecting that order, ABN Andhrajyothi now stopped telecasting this story.

Watch online:

NEW DELHI: Appearing to put the Telangana issue on the backburner, the Centre said tonight that the situation in Andhra Pradesh has "altered"

since the announcement on creation of a separate state.

Wide-ranging consultations would now be held with all political parties
and groups in the state, Union Home Minister P Chidambaram said in a statement, adding that the Centre will take "steps to involve all concerned in the process".

Recalling his December nine statement in which he had announced that the process of forming Telangana would be initiated, he said that since then the situation in Andhra Pradesh has altered and that "a large number of political parties are divided on the issue".

Capping a fortnight of intense campaign by MPs of Telangana and non-Telangana regions, Chidambaram called a press conference at short notice and read out a four paragraph statement but took no questions.

He said the Centre made the statement on December nine on receipt of minutes of a meeting of all political parties convened by Chief Minister K Rosaiah in which a "consensus" emerged on the formation of a separate state of Telangana.

Chidambaram said, meanwhile, it is necessary that peace and harmony are restored in Andhra Pradesh and the state government is allowed to focus on governance and development.

"The Central government appeals to the people of the different regions of Andhra Pradesh and to all political parties and students to withdraw their agitations and maintain peace, harmony and brotherhood," he said.

The indication of Chidambaram's statement came after a meeting of Union Ministers Pranab Mukherjee, Chidambaram, A K Antony, M Veerappa Moily and Political Secretary to Congress President Ahmed Patel.

A statement was prepared and the draft was taken to Congress President Sonia Gandhi. Later, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh gave final touches and Chidambaram made it public.

The December nine statement was made at the height of the fast-unto-death protest launched by TRS President K Chandrashekhar Rao who withdrew the agitation on the 11th day.

Ever since, MPs and MLAs of Coastal Andhra and Rayalseema region protested vehemently and carried out a campaign with almost daily meetings with central leaders and ministers demanding a statement that the creation of Telangana would not be initiated without a consensus.

Reflecting the regional divide in the state, MPs and MLAs cutting across party lines in Telangana region also mounted a counter-campaign urging the Centre not to backtrack and warned of severe repercussions.

The period was also marked by violence in non-Telangana regions against the bifurcation proposal.

The state Cabinet was divided on regional lines and over 135 MLAs belonging Congress, TDP and Praja Rajyam quit their membership of the Assembly. Some MPs of Congress and TDP also resigned. But none of these resignations have been accepted.

On Monday, a delgation of non-Telangana MPs met the Prime Minister and said later that he had assured them that government would come out with a statement to "make everything in order" in the state.

HYDERABAD: In an angry reaction to Centre's backtracking on Telangana issue, TRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao tonight announced that MPs, MLAs and

other elected representatives of the region will submit their resignations and a 48-hour bandh tomorrow.

"Chidambaram statement amounts to putting the Telangana issue on the backbruner. We have been betrayed once again by the state of the Home Minister.

"There is no clarity or time frame fixed. In the name of consensus will they take 150 years? How much time they are going to take (for creating Telangana)?" he told a press conference at the residence of Congress leader Jana Reddy and flanked by leaders from other parties.


HYDERABAD: Alleging that the central government had betrayed the people of Telangana region, the Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) Wednesday called

for a 48-hour shutdown in the region and said all MPs and legislators irrespective of party affiliation would quit enmasse.

An angry TRS chief K. Chandrasekhara Rao told reporters that the government had put the Telangana issue on the backburner. "People of Telangana have been once again betrayed. The statement has no clarity and no time frame," he said.

"How long will it take for the formation of Telangana state. Another 50 years? How many more people have to die," he asked.

The TRS president, who was accompanied by leaders of the Congress and Praja Rajyam Party (PRP) legislators, appealed to the people, especially the youth and students to be peaceful during protests.

KCR, as Rao is popularly known, also announced that all public representatives from village level bodies to the parliament from the region would quit enmasse. "We all will come under one banner and line up to submit our resignations," he said.

KCR said the Joint Action Committee of all parties and groups fighting for Telangana state would be formed Thursday to decide the future course of action.

He warned the state government against adopting double standards while dealing with protests in Telangana and other regions.

"Even before Mr. Chidambaram (home minister) made the statement, police imposed prohibitory orders in Telangana districts but in other regions there were no such orders and every party was allowed to protest in the manner they liked," he said.

"Rosaiah should withdraw these orders otherwise you will face a volatile situation. You will have no moral authority to continue as your government will be reduced to minority after we submit our resignations," he said.

The central government softened its stance on the formation of separate Telangana state Wednesday with Chidambaram stressing that there was need to hold wide-ranging consultations with all political parties in Andhra Pradesh to reach a consensus on the issue.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) also called for a shutdown in Telangana, comprising Hyderabad and nine other districts, on Thursday. Student groups in various districts have also called for a shutdown.

Tension prevailed around Osmania University campus as students came out on streets raising slogans against the government. They damaged 10 buses and shopkeepers downed shutters in Tarnaka area near the campus.

Students of Nizam colleges and activists of Akhila Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) also began protests in different parts of Hyderabad.

ABVP has called for closure of all educational institutions in the region. As tension mounted, state-owned Road Transport Corporation (RTC) stopped bus services in some areas.

Even before Chidambaram made the statement, pro-Telangana students clashed with the police in Warangal town and laid siege to the offices of the Congress and Telugu Desam Party (TDP).

Raising slogans of "Jai Telangana", students of Kakatiya University clashed with police deployed on the university campus. They demanded that all the legislators, irrespective of their political affiliations, resign.

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday dropped broad hints of a fresh move in a day or two to cool tempers and normalise the

situation in Andhra Pradesh.

At a meeting with a group of Congress MPs from the Rayalseema and coastal regions of the state, Singh reportedly assured them of a new initiative by the Centre to clear doubts.

"The PM told us that a new decision is likely in a day or two," K S Rao, a senior party MP and leader of the delegation, later told reporters. Singh told the MPs that he and his cabinet colleagues were going to take up the matter for discussion.

Singh's remarks were seen in political circles as an indication that the Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs (CCPA) would review the Andhra situation on Tuesday.

Rao said his expectation was the Centre would come out with a statement that no decision about bifurcation of the state would be made unilaterally. He said that since a unanimous resolution in the state assembly endorsing a new Telangana state was a remote possibility, the Centre should make efforts to restore normalcy.

He said that since home minister P Chidambaram's midnight statement backing the formation of the Telangana state carved out of Andhra, the situation in the state had deteriorated badly. "Everything is at a standstill," he said.

Rao said that the dozen-odd MPs urged the PM to make a fresh announcement to bring back normalcy and cool the tempers. They told Singh that the Centre should reassure everyone that without consulting all the stakeholders no decision would be made.

The PM, according to Rao, agreed that the situation was grave and assured them of the Centre taking a close look at the development.


eevi rating: 2.75/5
: verbose film
Family Drama/Romance
Tolly 2 Holly

Cast: Jagapathi Babu, Priyamani, Brahmanandam, Ali, Sunil, Hamsa Nandini, CVL, Chalapaathi Rao, Rajya Lakshmi, Madhu Sharma, Dharmvarapu etc

Music: MM Keeravani
Cinematography: Surender Reddy
Editing: MR Varma
Story - screenplay - dialogues - direction
: Madan
: Ganesh Indukuri
Release dat
e: 4 December 2009



Sasi (Jagapati
Babu) and Sailaja (Priyamani) are good friends during their post-graduation time. They think they are in love. But Sasi’s ideology about love irritates Sailaja and both of them separate their ways. Sasi settles as a professor in Harvard University. He comes to Hyderabad to look out for a suitable girl. He then realises that Sailaja works as a principal in a women’s college and she is unmarried too. The rest of the story is all about how Sasi makes Sailaja fall in love with him again.

Artists Performance

Jagapathi Babu looks very handsome in the role of a charmer. Priyamani is gorgeous in this movie and oozes natural oomph though she wore traditional dresses. Hamsa Nandini is neat in a small role. CVL makes a mark with his nice diction. Brahmanandam’s role is partly entertaining. Sunil and Ali are routine. Madhu Sharma sizzled in a cameo. Dharmavarapu Subramanyam has some nice dialogues.

Technical departments

Story - screenplay - direction: Pravarakhyudu is a separation-reunion story of lovers. These kinds of separation/reunion stories should be supported by strong and convincing reason for separation. The reason of separation in the movie is flimsy and hero character never bothers to find out what happened to the heroine after the separation. When hero starts approaching heroine again after a big gap, heroine shows forced restraint without bothering to know what he is trying to convey. Madan who has strong writing abilities came up with a few interesting scenes. But lack of engaging screenplay and too many unnecessary scenes mar the narration. I liked the way heroine imagines the things visually and director used a nice technique there.

Other departments: Music by MM Keeravani is an asset. All songs are good and background music is excellent. Except for temple song, none of the other songs are placed in right situations. I liked the way he used ‘vivaha bhojanambu’ tune for ‘you wanna taste this’ episode (Jagapati Babu cooking). Dialogues are good in parts. But too many dialogues made this movie a verbose film. Cinematography by Surender Reddy is excellent. Art direction for the temple set is good. The quality of postproduction of the movie (color grading) is superb. Pravarakhyudu is one of the very few Telugu films made with top technical standards in this year. The credit must go to the producer Ganesh Indukuri who blindly believed the director and spent enormous amount of money on production and post-production activities (including a costly temple set and African safari). The producer has painted the entire city green with the posters of Pravarakhyudu (if you travel by PV Narasimha Rao’s 12 km express highway, you see only posters of this movie).

Analysis: You will find the descriptions in novels very useful to imagine and get interested in story. What happens if the same descriptions are converted into dialogues and rendered in a feature film? You will end up finding the entire movie verbose. That is the primary problem with the narration of Pravarakhyudu movie. First half of the movie is little boring. Second half is better. The plus points are Jagapati Babu and production values. On the flipside, screenplay is not engaging enough and narration lacks substance. Despite of the above mentioned flaws, Pravarakhyudu still offers something for family crowds.


Jeevi rating: 2.75/5
: real or hallucination
Just Yellow Media

Cast: Genelia, Arun Adit, Prakash Raj, Shafi, Raghubabu, Tulasi, Jayalalitha, Ravikiran Babu, Praneeth, Srilatha, Tamim etc

Music: S K Balachandran
Cinematography: I Andrew
Dialogues: Gunnam Gangaraju
Editing: Marthand K Venkatesh
Anant Sreeram
Story - Screenplay - direction
: Raga Srinivas
: Urmila Gunnam
Release date
: 12 December 2009



hitra (Genelia) is a loner and she comes to Araku seeking employment as a teacher in a kids school. Krishna (Arun) is an aspiring director. He comes to Araku to do trail shoot and complete script for his debut film. Local Circle Inspector (Prakash Raj) is a friendly cop. Chitra has an uncomfortable history as she spent a year in a mental asylum. Chitra and Krishna become good friends. While peeping through her binoculars, Chitra notices a murder where she could clearly see the victim girl. She reports it to the police and they find no evidence of murder. With a history at mental problem, Chitra doubts that her past mental condition is catching up again. The rest of the story is all about whether the murder she saw was real or just a hallucination?

Artists Performance

This movie belongs to Genelia and she does well. Tamil boy Arun did the role of male lead in this movie and he is adequate. Sharwanand seems to have dubbed the voice of Arun. Prakash Raj is very good. Shafi is nice though he seems to have gone overboard during latter part of the movie. Raghu Babu is the only actor in this movie who provides popular (routine) comedy. The guys who did the roles of buddies of hero are good.

Technical departments

Story - screenplay - direction: The title cards of the movie start with the photo of Alfred Hitchcock (the master of suspense movies). And the story of the movie belongs to the Alfred Hitchcock genre of the movies (closest one being 'Rear Windown'). Heroine who has a history of hallucinations witnesses at a murder. She thinks that it is real and others think that it is a hallucination. The entire story is all about if its real or katha (imagination). Debutant director Srinivas Raga comes up with an interesting story idea, but falters in screenplay department. Direction is adequate. One of the routine concepts we see in all thrillers is that the protagonist stays in a huge house and most of the vital scenes taking place during night time with lights off. Katha film is no exception in taking the routine route. Katha is also a story of ‘who dunnit’. Hence director tries to turn the needle or suspicion towards innocent characters to divert our attention. .

Other departments: Dialogues by Gangaraju Gunnam are excellent. I liked the way heroine innocently asks hero if he failed 10th class after he declared that he is going to direct movies. I also liked the title cards sequence and how it is linked with the character of hero later. Music by SK Balachandran is adequate. Cinematography by Andrew is fine.

Analysis: First half of the movie is quite nice. I loved the way all characters are introduced it the movie and how the entire scheme of the story is set up in the first half. Second half of the movie is a little let-down with slow narration and redundant sequences. Whenever I watch any thriller, I ask myself a basic question. Why can’t the protagonist stay in a small room and mingle with people. Plus points of the movie are Genelia and basic story idea. The negative points are second half and redundant scenes of projecting hallucination. We expect a better and intellectually stimulating movie from the banner of Just Yellow that produced films like Aithe and Anukokunda Oka Roju.


Jeevi rating: 2/5
: perplexed story
Sri Lakshmi Prasanna Pictures/Big Pictures

Cast: Vishnu Manchu, Ileana, Mohan Babu, Kaveri Jha, Venkat, Napoleon, Mukesh Rishi, Jaya Prakash Reddy, Ali, Master Bharat, Jeeva, Benerjee, Giribabu, Raghu Babu, Telangana Sakuntala, Pragati, Hema, Ramya Sri etc

Music: Sandeep Chowta
Cinematography: C Ram Prasad
Dialogues: Chintapally Ramana
Art: Anand Sai
Fights: Vijay
Editing: Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao
Story - Screenplay
: YVS Chowdary, BVS Ravi & Gopi Mohan
: YVS Chowdary
Executive producer:
Ashok Kumar Raju
: Dr. Mohan Babu M
Release date
: 12 December 2009



Satyavati (Ileana) is the daughter of a rich and idealistic landlord/factionist in Rayalaseema. She is brought up in Europe for the past 15 years. She visits her home town after a long gap and she is attacked by the rival factionist. Munna (Vishnu Manchu) comes from nowhere and rescues her. Then he settles in her house as a worker and earns the love and trust of all Satyavati’s family members. He loves Satyavati. But Satyavati’s father wants to marry off to another guy. Just about when the marriage is going to happen, it is revealed that Satyavati has a lover (Venkat) from Europe and she uses Munna to help her escape to Europe. Just when Satyavati goes to Europe, it is revealed that Munna is none but a mafia kingpin from Bangkok called Saleem and Satyavati lover’s brother is none but a dreaded European don called OJo a.k.a. Ogiraja Jogayya (Mohan Babu). The rest of the story is all about how Saleem wins Satyavati over with his one-side love and his encounters with OJo.

Artists Performance

Vishnu Manchu: Vishnu Manchu has toned down his body and looking stylish and lean in his new Avatar. He improved tremendously in all departments compared his earlier movies. He worked really hard in dances and it shows up. He used different Telugu dialects with good effect. And the credit for his looks should go to his wife Veranica who did the wardrobe and styling for Vishnu. Vishnu looks dashing in this movie.

Ileana: It’s no wonder that YVS Chowdary said in audio function that he loves Ileana manasikamga. Ileana is excellent in the film. All fans of Ileana (including me) are bound to have a whale of time watching Ileana on the big screen in Saleem movie. Her perfect figure/physique was aesthetically exploited by YVS Chowdary. I haven’t seen so many close-up shots on midriff area on any other heroine in any other film. There are two songs dedicated to Ileana and the last song (I wanna talk to you) is a treat with Ileana exposing the most of it.

Mohan Babu: Mohan Babu comes up with another fabulous and entertaining performance in Saleem. He did the role of a comedy villain and he is at his best when he says ‘Boom Boom Bhulak’. He excelled while uttering the dialogue – ‘lopala em jarigina, bayata positive talk cheppali’. His song with Kaveri Jha must be the best song in his career. He is wonderful in the song.

Others: Kaveri Jha is dazzling as a lady who makes Mohan Babu a bakra in the movie. Her sexy physique is also tantalizingly exploited by YVS Chowdary. Ali is partly entertaining as a Sangeet consultant. Napoleon is alright as noble father. Venkat fits bill as a lover without substance.

Technical departments

Story - screenplay - direction: Story (prepared by YVS and developed by Gopi Mohan and BVS Ravi) of the movie is perplexed. It has a little of resemblance to the story line of Namaste London. And parts of screenplay is adapted from movies like Ready (Kaveri becoming a character of Mohan Babu’s imaginative story), Wanted (curving bullets), Tashan (Don Anil Kapoor learning English from a sexy teacher), Gudumba Shankar (choreographer for wedding), Arya (one-side love) etc. There is no honesty in story and the love projected in the movie. The screenplay (Gopi Mohan and BVS Ravi) leaves a lot to be desired. Direction is good in parts, but eccentric most of the time. YVS Chowdary seems to have concentrated more on getting a rick look to the movie than the working on the basic act of storytelling. Money should be spent on good story. But stories should not be prepared to spend money. Saleem appears like a story prepared to spend good amount of money to capture Europe and Bangkok.

Other departments: Music by Sandeep Chowta is good. The best songs in the film are Mohan Babu’s song followed by Ileana’s pre-climax song. Dialogues by Chintapally Ramana are clichéd (for example, saying o pani aipoyindi after killing a guy). Cinematography by Ram Prasad is of top class. He captured lush locales of swiss in a beautiful way and he has shown Vishnu and Ileana excellently. Graphics work should have been better (especially the scene in second half where Vishnu is hanged upside down and bangkok flight/runway episode). Editing needs to be crisp (the runtime is almost three hours). Production values by Lakshmi Prasanna Pictures and Big Pictures are superb.

Analysis: Saleem is an example of what happens when the director

loses his grip on story and goes on showcasing rich production values. Saleem’s first problem is the perplexed story line (YVS Chowdary, Gopi Mohan and BVS Ravi). The second problem of the film is the screenplay (YVS Chowdary, Gopi Mohan and BVS Ravi). One wonders why Mohan Babu accepted to produce such a feeble and flimsy story by spending 23 crores of budget. First half of the movie is adequate. The interval bang is interesting. Second half is a complete letdown except for Mohan Babu’s comedy and Mohan Babu’s song. There is a bit of vulgarity in the movie (especially jana bethedu dialogues for the stats and intimate parts of the heroine). It’s high time for YVS Chowdary to concentrate more on story and less time on other aspects like concentrating on heroine and big budgets. On a whole, Saleem disappoints.

Telangana Rashtra Samithi president K Chandrasekhar Rao sought to step up pressure on the Centre, stating that more than 100 MLAs from Telangana region, cutting across their party lines, were prepared to quit if the Centre backtracked on its decision to carve out separate state.

Addressing the party workers at Telangana Bhavan, KCR said the Telangana MPs from all parties were also ready with “resignation letters in their pockets” in the event of volte face by the union government, he said.

“Do not test the patience of Telangana people. We are ready to sacrifice our lives but will not compromise on our goal,” KCR said. He warned that there would be a “bloodbath” if the government went back on its word. “Telangana is a land of sacrifices and struggles. We are prepared to sacrifice four lakh lives to achieve our statehood goal,” he said.

Making it clear that there would be no compromise on Hyderabad being the capital of Telangana, KCR warned “If anyone staked claim over Hyderabad, we will slit their tongues. We will not part with Hyderabad.”

He demanded that the Centre take steps to complete the process of bifurcation without any further delay.


Andhra Pradesh !!Breaking News !! Centre proposing Second SRC and Dy CM?

Telangana Deputy CM - !!

If reports from New Delhi are to be believed, the UPA government is likely to announce the constitution of a Second States Reorganisation Commission on solving the Telangana issue.

According to sources, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh or Home Minister P Chidambaram might make a statement on this by Wednesday evening. The Centre is likely to defend its decision, saying that it did not amount to taking back the promise on Telangana, but in the wake of similar demands from across the country such as Gorkhaland, Bundelkhand, Vidarbha and Poorvanchal, only a Second SRC would be the right solution.

“This is what the Centre meant by commencing the process for formation of Telangana. The process is through either resolution in the assembly or through constitution of a second SRC,” sources said. In a bid to appease the Telangana agitators, the Centre might propose the Deputy Chief Minister post to a Telangana leader. “A specific time frame would be fixed for the SRC, so that it would satisfy the Telanganites,” sources said.


Dec. 20: The fasting Vijayawada MP, Mr Lagadapati Rajagopal, escaped from the Vijayawada Government Hospital in full view of almost 200 police personnel and dozens of admirers.

The MP, whose fast entered the sixth day on Sunday, came to the ground floor of the hospital from his first floor ward, boarded a Qualis vehicle and drove out at about 10.45 pm. Witnesses said five more vehicles followed it.

Mr Rajagopal was expected to be shifted to a corporate hospital at Mangalagiri, 15 km from Vijayawada, and seemed to have taken advantage of the uncertainty. No one stopped the convoy as he drove out.

It was only when the convoy did not reach the Mangalagiri hospital at 11.30 pm that police realised the MP had given them the slip. Amidst allegations that he had been allowed to escape, the police sounded a red alert for Mr Rajagopal and launched a hunt to find him.

The government hospital is located on the national highway that leads to Visakhapatnam on one side and to Hyderabad on the other. Police searched the hospital as well, thinking he could be hiding there, but could not find the MP.

Mr Rajagopal had been shifted to the government hospital on Thursday and the government had refused to shift him to the Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (Nims) fearing disturbances.

He had vociferously protested the “rude behaviour of the police” and the “biased attitude” of the government against the united Andhra agitation in the coastal districts and Rayalaseema. He had refused to take medicine and call off his fast.

Meanwhile, additional security forces are being rushed to the districts as the condition of elected representatives who are on a fast-unto-death for a united Andhra Pradesh is turning critical.

The Hyderabad police commissioner, Mr B. Prasada Rao, said, “We have no instructions from the government so far to shift the leaders who are on hunger strike to Nims. There are 30 platoons of additional forces available in the city. We are prepared to thwart any untoward incidents.”

The State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) asked the government to consider shifting MLC Mr Y.S. Vivekananda Reddy, and MLA, Mr D. Umamaheswara Rao, Nims.

Dr N. Suneetha, daughter of Mr Vivekananda Reddy, in an appeal to the SHRC, had said that her father is suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and requires medical care. She said there was no facility in Kadapa and he should be shifted to Nims.

A student identified as Mr Chandrasekhar who set himself on fire protesting the arrest of Mr Vivekananda Reddy succumbed to burns at Ruia Institute of Medical Sciences (Rims) in Kadapa. The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams board member, Mr Ch. Bhaskara Reddy, who is on hunger strike in jail, was shifted to Rims, Tirupati. He was earlier arrested on the charge of being involved in violence.

In another case, a lawyer, Mr B. Venkateswara Rao complained to the SHRC that Krishna and Vijayawada administration is indifferent to the health of Mylavaram MLA Mr D. Umamaheswara Rao who started his fast-unto-death on December 13.

“Mr Umamaheswara Rao may slip into coma and the circumstances warrant he be shifted from Vijayawada hospital to Nims in Hyderabad,” Mr B.V. Rao said. Responding to the petition, the SHRC gave directions to consider the plea of shifting Mr Umamaheswara Rao to Nims. On Saturday, Mr Rao was admitted to the intensive care unit at Vijayawada General Hospital, but when his blood pressure began to fluctuate he was moved to the NRI general hospital near Mangalgiri in Guntur district on Sunday.

Together with him, the former mayor, Ms P. Anuradha, and a Telugu Desam activist, Mr Papaiah Chowdary, were also shifted. Mr Umamaheswara Rao has refused to call off the stir till the Union government scraps the decision for a separate state of Telangana. The TD is angry that the MLA and the other two leaders have not been admitted to Nims. The government has bluntly refused their demand citing law and order problems.

The MLC and the TD leader, Mr. Y. Babu Rajendra Prasad, accused the government of bias. He said that the state government had shifted Telangana Rastra Samiti chief, Mr K. Chandrasekhar Rao, to Nims when his condition deteriorated, but was ignoring the health of TD leaders agitating in Andhra and Rayalaseema regions.

Ek Niranjan (2009) Telugu Movie Mp3 Audio Songs 128Kbps , 320Kbps , Rm , AAC Original Cd Rips VBR

Ek Niranjan (2009)

Cast :: Prabhas, Kangna Ranaut
Music :: Manisharma
Ripper :: TMR

~:: Track LisT ::~

01 - Ek Niranjan
Singer(s) :: Ranjith
Lyrics :: Ramajogayya Sastry

02 - Gundello
Singer(s) :: Hemachandra , Geetha Madhuri
Lyrics :: Ramajogayya Sastry

03 - Sameera
Singer(s) :: Karthik
Lyrics :: Ramajogayya Sastry

04 - Evaru Lerani
Singer(s) :: Malavika
Lyrics :: Bhaskarabhatla

05 - Mahammari
Singer(s) :: Kalyan Vasanth , Geetha Madhuri
Lyrics :: Bhaskarabhatla

06 - Nartanatara
(A Tribute to Michael Jackson)
Singer(s) :: Ranjith , Nilayini
Lyrics :: Vishwa

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Download ekniranjan.zip for free on uploading.com


Adhurs (2009)
Cast & Crew :: NTR, Nayantara & Sheela
Music :: Devi Sri Prasad
Director :: V.V.Vinayak
Producer :: Vamsi Mohan
Ripper :: MahaJosh

-= TrackList =-

01 - Shiva Shambho - DSP
02 - Chandrakala - Hariharan, Rita
03 - Pilla Naavalla Kadhu - Mika Singh, Suchitra Karthik Kumar
04 - Chary - Jr.NTR, Rita
05 - Neethone - Kunal Ganjawala, Shreya Ghosal
06 - Assalaam Valekhum - Baba Sehgal, Priya Hemesh
07 - Shiva Shambho - The DSP Mix - DSP

Download links:

Download Adhurs (2009) 320KBPS HQVBR.zip for free on uploading.com

AVM Productions "Leader" - Directed by Sekhar Gammula !! Audio Launch


Deepika Padukone is is of Mangalorean origin & her mother tongue is Konkani.She was born on January 5, 1986, in Copenhagen, Denmark.After pursuing a successful career in modeling, Padukone branched out into acting. She started by starring in the music video for the song Naam Hai Tera from the independent pop album Aap Kaa Surroor by Himesh Reshammiya. In 2006, Padukone made her cinematic debut in the Kannada film Aishwarya starring opposite actor Upendra. She later made a successful Bollywood debut in 2007 with Farah Khan's international hit Om Shanti Om opposite Shahrukh Khan. Padukone next appeared in Siddharth Anand's Bachna Ae Haseeno (2008) opposite Ranbir Kapoor and then the Warner Bros.-Rohan Sippy collaboration, Chandni Chowk to China, which released on January 16, 2009. As of January 2009, she is working on Imtiaz Ali's Love Aaj Kal opposite Saif Ali Khan. Here I present 70 photos of her packed in a single file. All photos are for non-commercial purpose only.

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