Hyderabad, April 8: Home minister Sabita Indra Reddy who is named accused in the Jagan assets case, met the Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy soon after he came back from Delhi, where he attended the Chief Ministers and Chief Justices conference.

It is learnt that she discussed about her predicament with Kiran Kumar Reddy. It is not yet clear if she would resign like Dharmana and leave the matter to the Chief Minister or wait for some more time before quitting the cabinet. It may be recalled that after the Chief Minister rejected the resignation of Dharmana CBI could not arrest him. He is attending the court whenever called, in his capacity as a minister. It should be seen if Sabita also would be permitted the same privilege.

Sabita wanted to resign

Soon after knowing about CBI charge-sheet, PCC president Botsa Satyanarayana and finance minister Anam Rama Narayana Reddy went to Sabita’s house and discussed about the case.

Speaking to the media later, Botsa said Sabita wanted to resign, as she felt it was not proper for her to continue in office after she was named. He said every one including the Chief Minister had asked her to wait until all the issues concerned were carefully discussed and legal opinion obtained.


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