Naga Chaitanya and Sunil will reprise the roles of Madhavan and Arya in the Telugu remake of the Tamil blockbuster 'Vettai'. Producer Bellamkonda Suresh reportedly first bought the film's remake rights, but later gave up for various reasons. So UTV Motion Pictures, the original producers, informed the media that they are dubbing the movie in Telugu with the title 'Bhale Tammudu.' Bellamkonda has jumped into the fray and has bought the remake rights from UTV and is making it with Naga Chaitanya as lead hero. He has roped in comedian turned hero Sunil to play the second lead. After Sunil delivered a hit with 'Poola Rangadu,' he is considered in the top league of Tollywood and hence the combination of Naga Chaitanya and Sunil is bound to be a good pair. Sunil will play the role of a timid cop, originally enacted by R Madhavan while Chaitanya will play the aggressive younger brother reprised by Arya. The Telugu version is to be directed by Dolly, who earlier directed 'Konchem Ishtam Konchem Kashtam'. The remake will go to the sets from June 26.
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