Latest news from tollywood Team:HYD:Actress Amala Paul, the hot catch of the season, is going the way she loves and is known for. The Malayalam beauty who made a mark herself with 'Prema Khaidhi', an offbeat film, is turning out to be choosy with her projects. The actress was reportedly offered 'Saar Vaastharu', a Ravi Teja and Ashwini Dutt combo film, but she had to opt out of the film citing date issues. She had allocated 20 days of outdoor shoot for Ram Charan and Vinayak picture starting from May 17 hence she had to make way for the 'Saar Vaastharu' that is scheduled to start shortly. It sees Trisha as the main lead. Meanwhile rumours are rife that the 'Love Failure' star couldn't allocate dates to 'Saar Vaastharu' to concentrate on Samuthirakani's Telugu-Tamil bilingual in which she will paired alongside Nani and Jayam Ravi. It will go to floors in June. The sultry siren who is in Kochi shooting for director Joshey's 'Run Baby Run' is also tipped to be the main lead for a big project. However, the actress is refusing to divulge any details.
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