Amidst huge speculations and tight security, YS Jagan finished his second day of getting questioned at the CBI camp office. The tainted leader has started for his Lotus Pond residence immediately after coming out. The seven and half hours questioning has come to an end today with CBI leaving Jagan before informing that there is no holiday for him on this Sunday. Jagan looked a bit disappointed and frustrated while coming out of Dilkusha. 'Things went off peaceful. They have sought for clarifications and I've given them. Tomorrow I would have to come. I would be probably giving them some more clarifications. Bye, bye, bye, bye...', stated Jagan after coming out of the guest house. Why Jagan is trying to prove that the CBI's questioning has been a cakewalk for him everytime he comes out of the Dilkusha Guest House? Jagan uttering the words 'Bye, bye, bye, bye...'. reminds us of a 10-year-old school kid. Sources say, Jagan continued his Odaru Yatra in Dilkusha Guest House consoling his corruption partners (Nimmagadda, Mopidevi and Brahmananada) on Day 2 as well. His strange Nobehaviour is not only irritating people and media, but also the CBI officials. Will he repeat the same on Sunday too. Let's wait and watch!


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