Telangana Rashtra Samithi Siddipet MLA T Harish Rao on Thursday condemned Bharatiya Janata Party president G Kishan Reddy's criticism on the party on the Telangana issue. Talking to media persons, Harish Rao sought an explanation from the BJP State president as to why he has not submitted his resignation from elected post when the statehood agitation was going-on at its peak. Stating that NIzamabad MLA E Laxminarayana submitted his resignation from the elected post expressing solidarity to statehood agitation, he asked as to why Kishan Reddy went abroad during the agitation period. Harish Rao also demanded an explanation from the BJP, which claims that the Telangana state formation would be possible with the national parties, as to why it did not raised the Telangana issue during the ruling of NDA. Stating that the people of Telangana would not believe the promises of BJP, he asked the BJP to give explanation how it could achieve Telangana state without the support of regional parties. Meanwhile, Telangana Political Joint Action Committee chairman Prof M Kodandaram said that the JAC was conducting a survey over the by-election in Parakala Assembly constituency. Based on findings of the survey, he said that JAC would extend support to the party in the by-election. He asked the Telugu Desam Telangana Forum, which is targeting the JAC, to explain what it was doing to achieve the Telangana state.


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