This beauty rocked the show with her debut Telugu flick 'Godavari', but failed to cash on the buzz generated. She is dusky beauty Neetu Chandra who satisfied Indian audiences with acting and skin shows. When everyone thought that she is running out of offers, Neetu shocked them by signing an international project. Not only that film, she is now engulfed with 'affair' rumours too. She is heard moving close with a foreigner named Kyriacos Tofarides, who happens to be the director of her latest international film, an English-greek movie 'Home Sweet Home'. Smitten by her charms and performance, this director also offered his next flick to Neetu other than the current one. Sources are saying that it is not about offering movies, there is something cheesy between them. We have to wait for Neetu's words to know what exactly is happening.


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