Hyderabad: Actor Allari Naresh's next 'Sudigadu' is nearing completion. Directed by Bheemineni Srinivasa Rao, the film is a remake of the hit Tamil flick 'Thamizh Padam'.

The shooting of the movie is already complete and currently in the final leg of post production. It is expected to hit the screens in June.

With a tag line like 'Okka Ticket Pai Vanda Cinemalu', the talk has it that it is a parody comedy film, which takes a comical dig at some of the clich's that a typical Telugu cinema hero would follow. The film promises to be a hilarious one.

It is produced by D Chandrasekhar and Sri Vasanth, of 'Madatha Kaja' fame, has composed music for it. Allari Naresh plays youth named Sudigadu, who is destined for greatness and punishes criminals secretly.

It features Monal Gajjar alongside him. The actor has finished filming for his portions. Naresh has pinned lots of hopes on it.


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