AMALAPURAM: A BC girl was beaten to death by her father at Gadellanka village in Mummidivaram mandal on Monday night for falling in love with an SC boy. According to villagers, Bonthu Nandini Sirisha (20), daughter of Venkateswara Rao and Ananta Lakshmi, fell in love with K Durga Prasad (23) who resides in front of her house. But Prasad who studied up to Intermediate, did not respond. Nandini, an eighth class dropout, continued to love him. She was not having meals properly for the past one week. When Nandini tried to make a phone call to Prasad through a coin box, her father noticed it. He warned her against making any attempts to contact Prasad who applied for a constable post. Venkateswara Rao who went home in an inebriated condition last night, beat Nandini to death for craving for Prasad despite his warning. Later, he left the body in the kitchen shed in the backyard of his house and went to sleep. Some neighbours who heard the cries of Nandini, informed the matter to the police. They did not go to the rescue of the girl as Venkateswara Rao is a 'sadist'. Mummidivaram sub-inspector P Ganesh said he received a phone call around 11:30 pm. He rushed to the village immediately and found the body of Nandini in the kitchen shed. Venkateswara Rao, who is an agricultural worker, got three sons and a daughter. Two of his sons are in Kuwait. The SI said Venkateswara Rao tried to hush up the murder by throwing the body of Nandini into the river in the wee hours of Tuesday. Inspector KBG Tilak also visited the house. Venkateswara Rao and Ananta Lakshmi were arrested.
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