Bhanu Kiran, the prime accused in the killing of factionist Suri, has revealed that he earned Rs.18.5 crore by getting works pertaining to Hundri Neeva project and procured nine fire arms by different means to carry out extortions, the CID said on Friday. Bhanu confessed to the CID that he took letter pad and copy of the gun license belonging to Dharmavaram ex-MLA Kethi Reddy, Surya Pratap Reddy and procured two fire arms from Abids. Bhanu was arrested on April 21 at Zaheerabad for killing Suri. He was produced in the Nampally court on Friday and remanded to judicial custody till May 18. DG S.V. Ramana Murthy, CID Additional said, “Bhanu confessed that he, along with associates Mangali Krishna and Sudhakar Naidu and others, procured country-made fire arms for use in extortion and other settlements. Out of nine fire arms procured, two were recovered from Bhanu and his other associates, including Sulam Subbaiah.” Bhanu confessed that he paid Rs 1 crore to Moddu Srinu out of the money he got through the settlements. He was involved in the liquor business with Gangula Sundar Reddy, Satyanarayana Reddy and Pavan Kumar. He came into contact with Suri through them. In 2004, while Suri’s wife Bhanumathi contested Penukonda by-elections, he canvassed for her. When Suri was lodged in Cherlapally jail, he met him regularly. Bhanu is involved in several cases of conspiracy and violation of the Arms Act in Ramgopalpet, Saifabad, Begumpet, Kukatpally, CCS, Patamata, Banjara Hills, CID and Panjagutta. In 2006, Bhanu Kiran, along with Mangali Krishna, an aide of Kadapa MP Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, were involved in a 7-acre land dispute near Chirec Public School opposite Serilingampally Revenue Divisional Office and extorted Rs 1.2 crore from producer Sivaramakrishna. “With the extorted money and by threatening the land owners, land was purchased by him and his associates — Abbireddy Mallikarjun Reddy, Ediga Srikanth Goud, Dantuluri Krishna alias Mangali Krishna, S. Srinivas, V.V. Madhu Mohan Reddy and others. The CID has identified the properties having clear title deeds and registered in the name of Bhanu and his associates,” said Mr Ramana Murthy. The accused also purchased land in Bandar port area. Bhanu, Suri along with one Jambula Srikanth Reddy acquired six acres of land in Dharmaram mandal of Karimnagar district by floating benami companies, for mining of maple red granite on lease by investing Rs 1 crore. The land was forcibly taken from Vanga Sudheer Reddy. In another case, Bhanu, Suri and their associates with the help of NIMS deputy RMO Dr Sharath Naga Prasad and others grabbed 5.27 acres of agricultural land belonging to Sudheer Reddy on the outskirts of Pendyala village. Subsequently, 4.27 acres of land was registered in the name of G. Hemalatha Reddy. “We are taking steps to freeze the bank accounts of Bhanu and his associates. If any of the victims are willing to lodge a complaint, the CID is ready to register the case. We will maintain confidentiality” said Mr Ramana Murthy. Investigations revealed that Bhanu had helped one K.V.N. Reddy in the Handri-Neeva contract. Mr Ramana Murthy said, “During 2005-2006, Bhanu, along with his associates, was involved in the Handri-Neeva project and threatened other contractors not to submit their tenders and bagged projects worth Rs 178 crore in the names of JK Constructions, GVR Constructions and Coastal Constructions. They amassed Rs 18.5 crore for this deal.”
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