Every now and then, the channel reportedly tries to erode the image of Power Star  pawan kalyan. On 23rd November, the channel telecasted a programme on pawan kalyan's directors and their failures, working for the second time with pawan kalyan. As per the channel, Bhemaneni Srinivasa Rao, Karunakaran,Puri Jagannadh and SJ Surya gave the hits 'Suswagatham', 'Tholiprema', 'Badri', 'Khushi' respectively. 
As per the channel's version, the second ventures of above directors such as, 'Annavaram', 'Balu', 'Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu' and 'Komaram Puli' could not do well. In fact, 'Annavaram' and 'Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu' were proved to be above average grossers at the box office. However, the channel mentioned them as flop and average respectively. 
WHY DID THE CHANNEL TELECAST THE PROGRAMME?: On the same day, pawan kalyan and Trivikram's new movie was launched. Trivikram is doing his second venture with pawan kalyan in this movie. So, the channel has reportedly decided to tease the duo. Perhaps, the hero and the director teach a lesson to the channel through their movie, making it a hit. 


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