In a shocking development, an actress has attacked a director with chappals at a press conference on Saturday conveyed to promote the film 'Kotlallappo Kai'. Kannada actress Nayana Krishna and her family suddenly disrupted the press meet by hitting director Rishi with footwear and abusing him with foul language, alleging that he had cheated her of Rs 8 lakh. The director flew from the place immediately with the help of the unit members and later lodged complaint against the actress in the nearby police station. According to the actress, "Director Rishi borrowed Rs 8 lakhs from me by promising that he would return the amount as soon as possible. However, he didn't pay the amount and coming up with cooked up stories every day". According to the director, "A few youngsters including me and the actress have joined hands to produce a film. Few weeks back, she demanded me to return her money or to give away the rights of several areas which is worth over Rs 1 crore. I refused to give the rights and told her she will get her money back after the release of the film".


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