Ileana who shot to fame in Bollywood with the recent superhit Barfi rubbished the rumors that she is quitting Tollywood which gave her so much since her debut as an actress. "I have neither turned down any Telugu films nor put them on hold, it's just that no one has offered me anything exciting in the recent past," she confirms. Although Ileana dreamt of making it big in the Hindi Film Industry with Barfi, nothing seems to be going in her favor. Apart from the film which she signed opposite Shahid Kapoor before the release of her debut flick, there are no new offers in her kitty at the moment. Despite having a Rs 100-crore film Barfi which is both critically acclaimed and commercial success under her belt, she is unable to attract big offers. The next few months will a big test for this hip beauty and everything depends on how she handles this tough phase in her career


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