Two performance oriented movies have pushed her into spot light and a flick opposite Venkatesh and Mahesh made her a sought after actress. Yes, you're right, we are talking about natural beauty Anjali and her leaves catching in Tollywood. With the super success of two dubbing flicks 'Shopping Mall' and 'Journey', Anjali became a big name here and after signing 'Seethamma Vaakitlo...' she became costly heroine too. But Anjali has kept on rejecting good movies that sought her in a lead role. Now this voluptuous siren is not getting any calls from Tollywood and maybe only after the release of 'Seethamma', she might get some more initiations. However, desperate Anjali is now ready to sign as second-fiddle too and sources revealed that Raviteja's Balupu is her next flick as second lead. Why this leaves catching after your hands are burnt? If it is a couple of months before, you might have become lead girl!


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