It is learn that the Rajya Sabha MP V Hanumantha Rao on Tuesday complained that he was receiving threatening calls from YSR Congress party president Jagan Mohan Reddy. Addressing an election meeting at Draksharamam in Ramachandrapuram assembly constituency in East Godavari district, Hanumantha Rao said that he has already lodged a complaint with the police over the threatening call. Stating that the caller has been identified as Subbarayudu from the USA, he said that the caller has warned him of serious consequences if he raises corruption issue of Jagan Mohan Reddy. However, VHR said that he would not cow down to such threats and continue his campaign in the by-elections. He appealed to the Election Commission of India to take steps to remove the picture of former chief minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy on Sakshi newspaper and TV channel as it violates Model Code of Conduct. He also urged Election commission to look into paid articles being carried out by Sakshi newspaper in favour of YSR Congress candidates. Hanumantha Rao wondered about Jagan Mohan Reddy's promise of bringing 'Rama Rajyam' in the State. He said such promises by an individual who looted thousands of crores of rupees from the State's exchequer sound ridiculous. He said that the arrest of Bhanu Kiran, the prime accused in the murder case of Rayalaseema factionist Maddelacheruvu Suri, has exposed the criminal links of Jagan Mohan Reddy with him.


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