Vijayawada Congress MP Lagadapati Rajagopal has said that YSR Congress president and Kadapa MP Jaganmohan Reddy cannot become a chief minister at any cost. Adding pun to his statement, Lagadapati Rajagopal said women will have to mortgage their 'mangal sutras' (the holy marriage thread worn by Hindu women in India, which is often made of gold and considered auspicious).
Jagan can never become CM: Lagadapati
Lagadapati has said that if there’s something like ballot against corruption, except in Kadapa district, people in all parts of the state would vote that Jagan should go to jail. He has also exuded confidence that Congress would make a clean sweep in all 18 assembly constituencies and one Lok Sabha constituency.
YSR  Congress party is yet to defend the statements of Lagadapati Rajagopal. It looks like YSR Congress is really in a dilemma as by-polls are approaching on one hand and CBI's enquiry is also going on in full swing. Will the hopes of all followers of Jagan get dashed in by-polls? May be yes, say sources!


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