It has been now confirmed that the famouse industrialist Nimmagadda Prasad in connection with the Jagan Case has been taken in to CBI Hands. CBI has on Tuesday taken into custody industrialist Nimmagadda Prasad in connection with the disproportionate assets case faced by the YSR Congress chief Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy. Prasad named 12th accused in the case, has invested nearly Rs. 504 crore in various companies owned by Jagan. He has invested Rs. 244 cr. in Bharati Cements, Rs. 100 cr. in Jagati Publications, Rs. 140 cr. in Sandoor Power and Rs. 200 cr. in Carmel Asia. It is being alleged that he got 15,000 acres of land in return for his investments in the Vanpic project from the then government headed by Jagan’s father Dr. Y S Rajasekhara Reddy. CBI has filed cases against Prasad under sections 120 B, 420, 409 and 477A of the Indian Penal Code. CBI sleuths who have been questioning Prasad since the past 3 days have taken him into custody on Tuesday. CBI has also taken into custody IRS official Brahmananda Reddy.


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