Ravishing Rajamundry beauty, Anjali couldn't taste success though she made her debut in tollywood with 'Photo' and later saying 'Premalekha Rasa'. However she stole the hearts of Tamil Tambis with 'Angadi Tehru'(shopping mall) and shone like a star in 'Ko'(Rangam) and 'Engeyum Eppodum'(Journey). She recently came with 'Kalakalappu' and she endeared herself to tollywood movie lovers with her beauty and acting in her dubbed films.

Tollywood film makers have taken note of her stardom and offered her a dream role in multistarrer featuring Prince Mahesh Babu, Victory Venkatesh, Samantha titled 'Seetamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu' in the direction of Srikanth Addala. She will be romancing Venky and sources say Anjali's role is as important as Prince Mahesh in the film. 

She says she never bothered about any industry or region and ran after success and finally she achieved what she dreamt of and aspired to. She says she has self confidence in abundance and used to tell her friends that one day she will be a star and now she is not surprised at her success.


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