The union home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde last month said that a decision on Telangana would be made within a month. And finally when the deadline came, the same old dialogue came out before the press-talks were on and further time would be needed. It looked like except Congress party all parties were in support of statehood for Telangana. So, why was Congress party dilly dallying on Telangana.

The sources said that Sonia Gandhi apparently questioned as to how many seats Congress leaders would win in Telangana region if a state is carved out and a similar question was reportedly put forth before leaders of Seemandhra region. The sources even said that both the leaders from Telangana said Congress would get maximum seats if state is bifurcated whereas leaders from Seemandhra apparently said Congress would not get any seats if state is bifurcated. This answer reportedly confused Congress and therefore was unable to come to decision, which reportedly affected the consensus policy of the centre. Congress should keep aside votes' policy and look at the welfare of the people and life of the party in the long run, said observers. Anyway, fingers crossed to see what Congress would finally spell out.


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