Even after Delhi rape incident creating uproar, alleged rape news have been hitting headlines. In a recent case, a woman who hailed from Eluru (Andhra Pradesh) was allegedly raped by the manager of a company she earlier used to work with. If we look into details, one Krishna Ranjan, a manager at a packers and movers' company in Hyderabad allegedly misbehaved with a woman colleague at his office who worked as a computer operator. Unable to take the sexual harassment, the woman employee quit the job and left for her native place.

The boss, who allegedly forced her to add him up in her Facebook account, when she joined his company had continued to stay in touch with her through social networking website. The man, who apparently had a beast in him, couldn't control his lust. One fine day (December 10) he reportedly left for Eluru and met this ex-employee. He presumably acted as if he just got a call that his father met with an accident and pleaded her to accompany him till Hyderabad from Eluru.

The tour was successfully planned by the wicked boss and the innocent employee blindly trusted him. On their way back to Hyderabad, the accused spiked her drink with sedatives. After consuming the drink her boss offered her, the woman lost her consciousness. She was then taken to his house in Balanagar area of Hyderabad where he raped her for two days. Two days later, the father of the girl lodged a complaint with Kukatpally police. The cops tracked him, rescued the victim and arrested the accused. Manager was today produced before the court. He was charged with kidnap and rape.

As rightly said by Mahatma Gandhi, Literary education is of no value if it is not able to build up a sound character.

While the incident that took place in Delhi involved illiterates, here the sophisticated rape was done by an educated person who worked as a manager. And it was women who had to pay price for the wicked thoughts of men.

Message to girls: Never blindly believe men just based on their education and position because education and character are two different things. Although end of all knowledge is to build up a sound character, how many of them are looking education from that angle? A million dollar question! Therefore, it's always safe to 'avoid tours and drinks' offered by someone out of your family.


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