Pune, Jan 5: Siva Kumar who is charged of murdering Osmania University student Aruna has died in a local hospital.According to information, Siva Kumar who jumped off train while being brought to Hyderabad after arrest in Pune succumbed to injuries, Siva Kumar jumped from speeding train in a bid to escape or end his life.It may be recalled that Aruna was found dead, hanging to a ceiling fan in the house of Siva Kumar. Siva Kumar's parents complained to the police that they were not in town and were shocked at finding the body of the girl on their return. However, police found that Aruna became pregnant and when she insisted on marriage, Sivakumar murdered her with the help of his brother Prabhu and friend Praveen. Siva Kumar was absconding since the murder. Police have taken his brother and friend into custody. During their interrogations, they found that Siva Kumar escaped to Pune. The location of his mobile phone also confirmed that he was at Pune. A special team of the Task Force which was sent to Pune arrested him on Friday morning. 


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