The 'Kushi' girl Bhumika Chawla looked Kushi during the audio launch of her upcoming film 'April Fool'. Touted to be her comeback, she will be seen romancing 'Family hero' Jagapathi Babu. Bhumika, who dressed in a Shalwar Kameez, stole the show and the event turned out to be a glitzy affair with presence of two heroines Bhumika and Shrusthi. Producer Ramesh Prasad, who unveiled the first CD of the audio, said he was bowled out for her performance in 'Gandhi, My Father'. Ramesh Prasad is the son of veteran producer-director LV Prasad who founded Prasad Studios, Prasad Labs, Prasads IMAX and L V Prasad Eye Institute. Ramesh recently produced 'Rushi' under their banner.Directed by Srikanth Iyengar, GL Srinivas is producing 'April Fool'. Bunty, who scored title songs for popular TV serials like 'Ruthu Ragalu', 'Chakravakam', 'Mogalirekulu', has scored the music for this film. Tanikella Rajendra Prasad, who recently worked as cinematographer for 'Mithunam', cranked the camera. Currently in the post-production phase, 'April Fool' is likely to hit theatres on Jan 25. So, wait till then to watch 'Kushi' girl's performance


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