Nandamuri Balakrishna who was on a signing spree till few months back has applied brakes suddenly and since past few months not one announcement has been made about his films. However, inside talk is that Balayya has begun to focus on his 100th film but with few hiccups.

Buzz is that Balayya is keen to remake the black and white classic ‘Narthanashala’ as his 100th film but since it is a mythological film, there are a lot of budget tensions attached to it. But still it is heard that Balayya wants to materialize it but they might be taking a safer route. And there is a wide belief that such budgeted films should be handled by brains like Rajamouli.
Sometime back, Rajamouli had revealed about his dream of doing a film on Mahabharata so the makers of ‘Narthanasala’ are approaching him for directing. But since Rajamouli is busy with his own projects they might request him to at least take care of the script and screenplay departments. Whether he will accept this or not remains to be seen.


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