Anushka's recent flick, Damarukam is yet to hit screens. And the actress is now currently with many projects on hand. If buzz is to be believed, Anushka is shooting for Brindavanamlo Nandakumarudu. This film is a bilingual picture, which would even be shot in Tamil version. Arya is playing lead role in the movie. Directed by Selvaraghavan, Brindavanalmo Nandakumarudu is scheduled for a grand release on January 11 next year.

The music for this film is composed by Harris Jayaraj. There are many Telugu films, which are scheduled for release for Sankranti. So, the sources said that people would generally prefer big star movies initially when too many films would be released at a time. Can Brindavanamlo Nandakurudu make audience throng theatres is a million dollar question.


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