Ever since curvaceous Arabian horse Anushka Shetty debuted as super hot seductress in Nagarjuna's 'Super', this pair started teasing youths of Tollywood. Though they got only a couple of instances to sizzle, this time their on-screen magic is turning more lights on. With producer RR Makers' Venkat confirming that 'Damarukam' is going to hit theatres at any cost, expectations are on a rise about Anushka's sizzling quotient in the flick. A talk is doing rounds that our Sweety has shown her oomph factor again in this flick. It is heard that there is a lip kiss in this flick between Nag and Anushka and that takes place below the sea. This underwater song is going to be a part of a song but not any particular scene. However insiders stated that there is a small peck on the lips but not a French style kissing session. Let us wait and see about the this most speculated lip-kiss of Tollywood between a never-ageing romantic hero and a teasing beauty.


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