Hyderabad, Nov 8: The Police have identified that the money seized on Wednesday from an auto in front of DGP office here belongs to one Ramarao, who hails from Kurnool district. Ramarao surrendered in front of the CCS police on Thursday afternoon, and stated that the money belonged to him. Rama Rao is the trust chairman of Bala Sai Baba, a Kurnool-based lookalike of Satya Sai Baba. There are several allegations including land grabbing against the Baba in the media.
Speaking to the media after inquiring about Ramarao’s credentials in all angles, Central Zone DCP Tharun Joshi, said that they handed over Ramarao to Income Tax officials for further inquiry.
Joshi said that Ramarao had withdrawn Rs.4.90 crores from the Andhra Bank, Domalguda branch, to purchase 27 acres of land in Mysore City. Ramarao lent the remaining money. Ramarao has changed the Bala Sai Baba Trust’s FDs as money.
The Police has also identified that Ramaro was residing at Domalguda area and was also chairman of Bala Sai Baba Trust.
According to Joshi, Ramarao said that he had all the required documents of the money. Ramarao also said that the land deal was finalized with one advocate Ansari and he had come to the City on Wednesday.
It may be recalled that the police seized Rs.6.70crores from an auto which was suspiciously stopped in front of the DGP office here on Wednesday.
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