AWhen she portrayed heroine roles with dignity and character roles with scope to perform, no offer has come her way. But when she resorted to 'vulgarity', things are going pretty 'big' in her way. Popular character artist Bangalore Padma has launched her daughter in the tinsel town sometime back. She is Gayatri who did the role of 'Appu' in Sekhar Kammula's Happy Days. But the young chic never got a big break in Tollywood until 'Gabbar Singh' happened to her. As a sidekick of Shruti Hassan, she managed to tell some 'A' dialogues with suggestive expressions, which looked 'vulgar' for class audience. However, these acts have made her fallen in the eyes of big producers and directors. Film Nagar talk is that she has signed a couple of biggies in Tollywood along with two Tamil projects, where she does comedy with 'masala' touch. As long as she has done hot photo shoots, no one has considered her. But a spicy act in 'Gabbar Singh' is making her walk on clouds. Guess whose 'power' it is!


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