With Eega turning out to be a huge blockbuster Samantha is declared as the new queen of Tollywood. She has done four films in Telugu now and all of them were either hits or blockbusters. With such a track record Samantha should be peaking at the moment. But sadly she is not meeting up to the demand as she was struck by a 'mysterious' ailment.

Samantha's manager said that the actress had a reaction to a tablet and was advised to take rest for few weeks. There is another story in circulation that the actress is suffering with some skin related problems. However, Samantha stated that everything is fine and she will be joining the shoot of Autonagar Surya from July 20.

Till date Samantha hasn't come to Hyderabad and those films that she has been playing the female lead are getting delayed because of her. So many days are being wasted and now she is being talked about in the industry circles. Producers that roped in her are starting to worry. This is not a good sign for the actress with such a phenomenal record. Samantha has to start working within a week to get everything right. Or else people would start doubting that it would be a risk to sign up Samantha. Hope she clears all the doubts and start working as early as possible.


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