The Telugu Desam Party issued show cause notices to its leader from Vijayawada, Vallabhaneni Vamshi for shaking hands with the arch rival of TDP, Y S Jaganmohan Reddy. Vamshi has also hugged Jaganmohan Reddy on Friday.  This was even telecast on several news channels.

The TDP sources said Babu was upset with this act and upon his order, the party served show cause notices on Vamshi. The letter mentioned that his act had hurt the sentiments of the party and sought an explanation over the same within 48 hours of the receipt of the notice.

Meanwhile, sources quoted Vamshi saying that the incident was mere coincidental. He has apparently ruled out the rumours that he would quit TDP to join YSR Congress party. TDP leaders, on the other hand, were shocked to see Vamshi hugging Y S Jaganmohan Reddy.

Also, after the news went on air, people at the tea shops were reportedly discussing whether Vallabhaneni Vamshi was a covert in the party.


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