Director Raja Mouli has once again managed to rule the silver screen with his latest release 'Eega'... many audience claimed that it is because of the direction power of Raja Mouli and he making Nani to get into the skin of the role so very well, even after he disperses in the film after 1st half an hour and fly rules the rest of the film, audience believed Nani is there in the fly and could actually experience that while watching rest of the film.
And the on screen pair that sizzled in this film, got positive reviews for their pairing in the film, Nani and Samantha expressed their happiness on the success of the film.
We could see this pair soon again in a bi lingual flick, directed by Gautam Menon, titled ‘Yeto Vellipoyindi Manasu’, the music of this film being composed by Maestro Iliyaraja.
So, the audience has enjoyed watching this pair in 'Eega' for a while, but in the fourth coming film, we get to see the chemistry between this pair on-screen, full length.


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