In yet another ghastly incident, Hindu extremists have once again attacked girls and boys for partying hard in western ways. Reports are indicating that some of the attackers tried to molest three girls and video evidences are also proving this.

Activists of Hindu Jagarna Vedike brutally attacked people partying at a resort in Mangalore. When some scantily clad girls tried to escape from their clutches in fear, they have dragged back and thrashed. Though the party-goers pleaded that they are celebrating a birthday,the activists slapped both girls and boys as they are indecently clothed. What is so brutal is that this entire scene is recorded by a couple of reporters and aired on TV channels. Some attackers are heard molesting a couple of girls in an inebriated state. By the time police reached the scene, the activists have fled the scene.

Already, Mangalore police have made seven arrests in the incident so far as they are getting huge pressure from authorities including CM to take strict action against HJV activists. No doubt, this incident once again proves that India is getting Talibanised.


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