Sweety Shetty a.k.a. Anushka was first spotted by Telugu film industry. She made her debut with Nagarjuna's Super and went on to become the busiest actress in T town. She was offered many big films opposite top stars and also has done Arundhati, which is a dream for any actress. In spite of all that Anushka is not showing much interest in Telugu films now. Anushka has been rejecting many offers that come her way for unknown and unexplained reasons. She is currently doing Dhamarukam for which she has signed on the dotted line two years ago. Anushka is doing Varadhi movie as she walked away from Prabhas's other film Rebel. Other than these two, Anushka hasn't taken up any Telugu film in the recent past. She rejected an offer to pair up with Balakrishna in Aditya 999 movie. On the other hand she has been on signing spree in Kollywood. Tamil cinema didn't care to give her offers in reasonable films at the start. They have noticed Anushka's talent only with Arundhati and Vedam. But the actress is not showing any gratitude to the field that made her what she is. Classic case of being disloyal, isn'nt


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