Allu Arjun's latest movie 'Arya 2' was launched on the night of 1st November in Rock Heights, Madhapur. SS Rajamouli, Nagababu, VV Vinayak, Dil Raju, KL Narayana, Maganti Babu, seenu Vytla, Meher Ramesh, Krish, Varun Sandesh, Aryan Rajesh, Prabhas, Gangaraju Gunnam, Gemini Kiran, Arjuna Raju, KC Sekhara Babu, RD Rajasekhar etc attended the funtion along with the cast and crewmembers.

The function started off after a few minor glitches. Devi Sri Prasad performed for a song. Shraddha Das joined him to croon Mr. Perfect song. Allu Arjun, Navadeep, Kajal Agarwal and Shraddha Das danced on the stage for Mr. Perfect song.

Prabhas and Nagababu jointly released the audio CD and Rajamouli and VV Vinayak jointly received it. Dil Raju, Maganti Babu, Seenu Vytla, Varun Sandesh, Aryan Rajesh and Meher Ramesh launched a song each.

Navadeep said that he is doing a normal character (other than main lead) for the first time in his career.

Shraddha Das thanked the entire cast and crewmembers.

Sukumar is the Mr. Perfect - VV Vinayak
VV Vinayak said, "Sukumar is Mr. Perfect. All of us directors have the habit of compromising at certain points of filmmaking. But Sukumar is the only director I know who doesn't compromise at any cost. Bunny is going to rock in the movie."

Sukumar will take Telugu film industry to the next level - SS Rajamouli
SS Rajamouli said, "I got frightened when I watched Arya film. Sukumar is a top class director who can take the Telugu cinema to the next level. Devi Sri Prasad has the uncanny ability of coming up with energetic songs for each and every movie of his. His music gives instance kick at the first listening itself. I am sure that Ringa Ringa song will be the chartbuster for the entire next year."

Prahas said, "I like bunny a lot. I came to Arya function and predicted that it would become a blockbuster. I am sure that Arya 2 will become bigger hit than Arya. Devi Sri Prasad has given the best songs of my career and I am happy that he gave better music for Arya."

Anna Maata - Kajal Agarwal
Kajal Agarwal said, "Arya 2 is close to my heart and had a great time shooting for this movie. Sukumar has the strange habit of adding anna maata to every sentence he speaks and we tease him on that."

Arya 2 story is different from Arya - Aditya
Producer Aditya Babu said, "There is a misconception that Arya 2 is a sequel to Arya film. But it is not a sequel. The story is different. However, the characterizations are the same. I would like to thank each and every person who worked for this project."

Thanks to Rajamouli for his words - Sukumar
Director Sukumar said, "I was disappointed after Jagadam's flop. That is when Rajamouli came to me and told me not to get disappointed by the result. He asked me to stick to my conviction and moviemaking style. His advice gave me lot of confidence. It was Bhogavally Prasad who fed me for an year after the flop of Jagadam. Bunny okayed the project without knowing about the story. Allu Arjun supported me a lot before starting the project though he troubled me after the start of shoot. I would like to thank the producers Aditya Babu and Bhogvally Prasad."


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