Ever since Allu Arjun claimed that he isn't in a hurry to have kids while speaking to a leading daily, a section of media tried to sensationalize it by adding their side of the story. The reports went on to doubt the actor's manhood and has spread rumors of the young couple is heading for a mutual consented separation.

Finally, Allu Arjun reacted to put an end to the baseless gossips. 'Both Me and Sneha are madly in love ever since we started seeing each other. We are very much happy with our married life without any issues. Though I am habituated to rumors being in the show business for so long, Sneha and her family are yet to get used to them. To all my yellow media friends, We are happy in our relation and planning to have kids in few years,' responded Bunny, while speaking to a channel.

The hunger for TRPs is making the media houses go to any extent and now even the woman in celebrity families aren't left. How could someone publish such senseless articles without clarifying with the concerned people? It's high time for Journos to introspect and ensure such mistakes willn't repeat in future.


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