Tara Chowdhary, one who was accused of running a brothel ring and who created a sensation two months ago by bringing in the name of some VIPs alleging them to be her customers, has rubbed salt in the wounds of police officials. Tara Chowdhary continued to make allegations on the police. She alleged the police blackmailed her stating that her indecent photographs would be posted to Internet in case she makes any allegations on VIPs. She said those photographs were  taken during the police custody. According to her, police allegedly removed her sari.
Tara strikes back
It may be noted that Tara Chowdhary remanded to judicial custody and kept in Chanchalguda Jail till yesterday when she was released on bail. Tara Chowdhary lashed out at several leaders. She said she has all the details of those who allegedly sent her indecent SMSes.  She said she would expose all the details  in case she's provided CID protection.
Tara Chowdhary even alleged that the police slapped false cases against her. She said based on the complaints of a Vizag based girl, she was taken into custody. To make a point, Tara said what the complainant said was baseless since she (Tara) was not in Hyderabad during the dates the complainant mentioned in her complaint.
Tara further demanded narco analysis test be conducted on the complainant and also on a few police officials. Tara earlier said she was lured by a doctor-turned-filmstar that she would be given a film chance. And the actor allegedly used her and dumped her. This was known to even his wife, she added.


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