Ongole, June 20: Congress party’s defeated candidate of Ongole, former MP Magunta Parvathamma has inadvertently admitted that she has distributed liquor and money to the voters.

She and her brother-in-law and MP Magunta Srinivasa Reddy have organized a meeting here on Wednesday to dissect the poll debacle.

Speaking emotionally, she has questioned, if she has not distributed money and liquor like others. “Then why the debacle” a visibly upset Parvathamma questioned the audience which included minister Manikya Vara Prasad. She has alleged that congress leaders themselves had betrayed.

Maniky Vara Prasad has however blamed the arrest of Jagan for the debacle of Parvathamma (wife of late Congress leader Magunta Subbarami Reddy).

Incidentally the Magunta family is the distributor of all Mc Dowell liquor products. So what do they lack when it comes to distribution?

The visuals of Parvathamma addressing the meeting were telecast by the HMTV which questioned in the end, how the Election Commission would respond to Parvathamma's admission


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