Heroine Anjali who enthralled the audience with her stellar performance in ‘Sitamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu’ shocked every one by stating that she was facing life threat from her stepmother and a Tamil film director. The heroine said her stepmother Bharati Devi and Tamil director Kalanjiyam started using her as an ATM, using up all her hard earned money for their luxuries. She said she came down to Hyderabad as she faced life threat from the two. She said she was telling the media all this, as a measure of safety. She threatened that if even a small harm came to her, her stepmother Bharati Devi and the director Kalanjiyam would be responsible. Anjali who came to Hyderabad along with her uncle, suddenly vanished from her hotel. Meanwhile Bharati Devi, who claims to be the sister of Anjali's mother is claiming that it was with the consent of her mother, that they adopted Anjali 15 years ago. She told Telugu TV media over phone from Chennai that since childhood she did not heed their advise of pursuing studies as she had no interest in education. She said she was taking around Rs. 10 lakhs per film in Tamil. After she was offered Rs. 20 lakhs for Sitamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu, she was getting remuneration in the same range. She questioned how Anjali could have earned crores of rupees when her remuneration was not much. She said this could be checked even with the producers at Hyderabad. She said apart from taking a part of her income for the household expenditure, she never touched her money. She claimed that even before leaving for Hyderabad, Anjali was happy and moved closely with her. She said she did not understand why she had started saying such things against her.Kolanjiyam files caseMeanwhile, the Kollywood director Kolanjiyam about whom Anjali complained, alleged that in fact she had cheated him. He met the Chennai police commissioner on Tuesday and complained against her. He expressed anger that Anjali defamed him. He told the media that she gave him call-sheets till May 26 and insisted that she must act in his film until it was completed. Meanwhile, Anjali’s whereabouts were not known after she disappeared from a Hyderabad hotel. She suddenly slipped out, when her uncle went out of the hotel for a while. When he tried to call, her phone was switched off. Because of her disappearance her shooting schedules in Hyderabad were stalled. Anjali is presently acting in ‘Balupu’ of Ravi Teja in Telugu. She is also acting in some Tamil films.     


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