Hyderabad, April 8: CBI filed its fifth charge-sheet in the disproportionate assets case against the YSR Congress chief Y S Jaganmohan Reddy. The agency included home minister Sabita Indra Reddy as accused 4 in the charge-sheet. Sri Lakshmi, Raja Gopal and Vijaya Sai Reddy were also named accused. Raja Gopal, former MD of Mines was named sixth accused.CBI filed charges against 13 persons and named 46 as witnesses. The agency submitted 53 documents. On the home minister, charges under sections 120 B, 409, 420 under IPC and sections 9, 12, 13 and 13(1) under the anti corruption act. Accused mentioned by the CBI are in the following order:A1 - Jagan, A2 – Vijaya Sai Reddy, A3 – Dalmia Cements MD Punit Dalmia, A4 – Sabita Indra Reddy, A5 – Sri Lakshmi, A6 – Raja Gopal, A7 –  Eswar Cements MD Sajjala Diwakar Reddy, A8 – Dalmia Cements  Senior Executive Sanjay N Mishra, A9 – Dalmia Cements Senior Manager Nil Dhamal Bheri and A10 – Dalmia Manager Manager Jaidip Basu. It is now being discussed in political circles if Sabita Indra Reddy would resign. It may recalled that minister Dharmana Prasada Rao who was named accused in the Vanpic case had resigned soon after his name was mentioned in the charge-sheet. However, the Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy chose not to accept it. Another former minister Mopidevi Venkata Ramana is already in jail. CBI counsel Ashok Bhan took strong exception to Dharmana’s resignation not being accepted.He said if there were any morals left, Dharmana should have quit the cabinet. In this context, there is high tension among the remaining cabinet members. It may be mentioned that the Supreme Court has already issued notices to Sabita Indra Reddy, Ponnala Lakshmaiah, Geeta Reddy and Kanna Lakshmi Narayana. Now CBI named Sabita an accused charging her of liberally allotting lands to cement companies including Dalmia cements, which in turn invested in Jagan’s companies.


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