Hyderabad, March 17: In a shocking incident, a home guard working in a police station kidnapped a nurse, raped her and then tried to murder her in Ranga Reddy district on Sunday.

According to police, one woman belonging to the Mujaipur village of Kulkacharla mandal has been working as a nurse in the city. She and Parigi home guard Srinivas’s sister share a room.With this she became acquainted to the home guard.

On Sunday evening, he came to the room and told her he would drop her at her hospital. After bringing her up to the outskirts of Kollapur in Parigi mandal, he and his friend blindfolded her. They then took her to a nearby place and raped her.

They also tried to kill her by hitting her with a big stone. Later they threw her in a bush and left the place. A friend helped Srinivas in the heinous act. The nurse was rushed to the government hospital, after an unidentified person gave information to the 108 ambulance service. After first aid, she was shifted to the Tandur hospital.

Police said they registered kidnap, rape and attempted murder cases against the accused


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