Hyderabad, June 12: The Osmania University Campus on Wednesday transformed into a battle ground again with the police personnel swinging lathis on the peacefully protesting students. Not satisfied with raining lathi blows on the students, the police also lobbed teargas shells.

The OU students took out a bike rally from the Campus demanding that the Kiran Kumar Reddy government accord permission to the Telangana Political JAC-sponsored Chalo Assembly Rally on June 14. However, the ever vigilant police personnel stopped the students at the NCC Gate and asked them to go back. Even as the students were pleading with the policemen that they would express their protest in a peaceful and democratic manner, the fastidious police personnel resorted to raining lathi blows on the students. Enraged over the police unwarranted action, the students too picked up stones and hurled them at the policemen. There were heated exchanges between the police and the students. Later, the police took the students into custody.

The OU Students JAC leaders made it clear that they would make the Chalo Assembly Rally a great success in spite of hurdles to be created by the police and the government. They also claimed that thousands of students from all the ten districts in the Telangana region arrived in the city. They also clarified that they were not afraid of  arrests and bind-over cases.


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