June 11: Film director and former union minister of state for coal and mines, Dasari Narayana Rao was grilled for 9 hours by the CBI sleuths here on Tuesday. It is learnt that the CBI was suspecting a transfer of Rs. 2.25 crore from the Jindal group to a company owned by Dasari for favours received when the latter was the union minister incharge of coal.

CBI which already questioned Dasari once earlier, conducted extensive searches at his office and residence on Tuesday. It is learnt that CBI has information that Dasari had done some out of the turn favours for the Jindal group when he was the union minister. Searches which the CBI started at Dasari’s places at around 6 am on Tuesday, continued till 3 pm. He was not allowed to either move out or answer phones during the period, said reports. CBI sleuths reportedly seized some documents from Dasari’s residence and office.

Five coal blocks were sanctioned to the Jindal group of Navin Jindal, a Congress MP during Dasari’s tenure as minister. Santosh Bagrodia was also a minister of state of the department at the time, along with Dasari.

Cases against Dasari and Jindal were registered in connection with the allocation of coal blocks in Amarakonda Murgadangal of Jharkhand. It is being said that the Jindal group got the sanctions through false documents.


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