A person named Phani has filed complaint on Mega Powerstar Ram Charan for allegedly beating him up on road between Taj Krishna hotel and GVK Mall. Phani and his friend filed a complaint with Banjara Hills Police station against the hero and his security guards. Here goes the story.

While the main allegation of Phani seems to be Charan hitting him on his face, sources at the spot revealed that this guy and his friend irked Charan with their psychopathic acts. Reports have that when Charan is trying to pass GVK Mall in Road No.1, Banjara Hills, Phani and his friend travelling in a Maruti 800 spotted him. They wanted to tease Charan by not giving way to him and blocked his way by not giving space to overtake. Though Charan honked horn many times, these two paid no attention to it. Finally Charan managed to ram his multi-crore Ashton Martin through a small space and in that process the Maruti 800 brushed few scratches on our hero's car.

Miffed with that Charan blocked his car in front of Phani's and stopped the car. With Phani blasting Charan in foul language, our hero is heard calling his security guards who asked these two guys to behave themselves. Apart from this, there seems to be nothing like a scuffle as complained by Phani, where Charan manhandled these two guys along with his security guards.

We have to see what police will actually find out after getting into the scene. Watch this space for more updates. 


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