Is the Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy facing opposition to his schemes like ‘Indiramma Kalalu’ and ‘Bangaru Thalli’ from his own ministers? A day after some ministers criticized that the Chief Minister took unilateral decisions, rebel ministers met in the PCC chief Botsa Satyanarayana’s residence. They even decided to complain to the High Command about the Chief Minister’s style of functioning. 

The internal differences in the Congress party came to the fore with the ‘Bangaru Thalli’ scheme. Ministers were divided into pro and anti Kiran groups. Rebel ministers had met on Thursday morning at the residence of Botsa Satyanarayana. The Deputy Chief Minister Damodara Raja Narasimha, ministers Jana Reddy, Vatti Vasanta Kumar and D L Ravindra Reddy attended the meeting. It is learnt that they mainly discussed about the ‘Bangaru Thalli’ scheme in the one-hour meeting. It is learnt that the ministers expressed displeasure that the Chief Minister had not discussed the scheme in the cabinet and decided to complain against him to the High Command. It may be recalled that Botsa and DL had already criticized the Chief Minister indirectly, by stating that they knew nothing about the ‘Bangaru Thalli’ scheme. 

It is learnt that the Deputy Chief Minister Damodara Raja Narasimha expressed anguish that the Chief Minister had not said a single word to him about the ‘Indiramma Kalalu’ scheme. The dissidents are planning to meet the High Command after the Karnataka Assembly elections. Talk in political circles is that they planned to make the complaint to the High Command in such a way that it would take a definite decision on the Chief Minister. 

However, pro-CM ministers like Kondru Murali are claiming that the Chief Minister had discussed the ‘Bangaru Thalli’ scheme with available ministers. He dismissed dissidence by saying lightly that it was natural that one or two ministers might defer.


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