On a tip off, Hyderabad police today raided a brothel ring and arrested three women, all of them reportedly below 25 years. One woman among the three persons was said to be a noted Telugu television serial actress, who is 22 years old. The police, however, didn't not reveal the name of the artiste.  Also, arrested was brothel organizer  Lokesh and a customer Pawan.The raids were conducted at Yellareddyguda of the city. One woman was said to have hailed from Srikakulam town. It was reported that one of the organizers of this ring went absconding. Police was reportedly searching for him. Cases were, however, booked against these persons.It's really unfortunate to note that why flesh trade is being carried out even by television artistes, said observers who have also said that earlier they heard flesh trade was to fill stomachs but now it took a new turn. Anyway, educated women at least should not fall into this trap and they should also help those already in the trap to come out of it.


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