Magadheera Ram Charan Teja's Nayak audio, which was scheduled to be released on December 14, got postponed to December 16. The sources close to film unit revealed this to Andhra Wishesh this evening. As per the sources, the film unit is most likely to announce the audio release date on Saturday wherein the unit would also tell the venue of the audio release.

It has to be mentioned here that Nayak audio release has gained so much of prominence in the wake of the buzz that mega brothers would come together on one stage after a long time. If buzz has to be believed, then it would be one of the biggest treats to mega fans. Nayak has Chiranjeevi's only son Ram Charan Teja as the male lead. This movie happens to be Ram Charan's fourth film to be released and also first film in a dual role. If we look at the history, legendary actor Chiranjeevi's fourth movie was his first movie in dual role (Nakili Manishi). Anyway, it's good that Ram Charan is following the foot steps of his father, who is like God to scores of people in Andhra Pradesh.


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