Shruti Haasan, who played Bhagya Lakshmi in Gabbar Singh, has won the hearts of Telugu film audience. She is not the same after the mega success of that film. Shruti is the most sought after actress in Telugu film industry now. But she is extremely choosy in picking up new films. Recently she signed up Yevadu movie by replacing Samantha.In this film Shruti will be playing the role of a modern girl. We have seen her as village belle in Bhagya Lakshmi. In Yevadu her role will be complete contrast to the roles she has done in her previous films. We can expect Shruti Haasan to put up glam show in this movie. She is not against to donning bikinis and all. In fact Shruti has done a bikini clad scene in her debut movie Luck (Hindi).Yevadu would be her first film to show the spicy side of Shruti in south. Well, get ready for 'Bhagya Lakshmi Bumper Show' guys! 


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