Actor Ravi Teja and director Puri Jagannath have already rocked the Telugu viewers with their combo movies like Itlu Sravani Subramanyam, Idiot, Amma Nanna O Tamila Ammayi and Devudu Chesina Manushulu. Now, reports suggest that the director had written the script of Cameraman Ganga Tho Rambabu for the Mass Maharaja, but he rejected the film for some unknown reason.

According to reports, Puri Jagannath had created the story Cameraman Ganga Tho Rambabu keeping the image of Ravi Teja in mind, and he first narrated it to the actor. But he rejected this big budget offer. Reports further claim that he himself suggested the director to rope in Pawan Kalyan for the film. Hence, Puri later narrated the script to the Power star, who gave his consent to play the hero in it.

However, Cameraman Ganga Tho Rambabu is a romantic action entertainer, which is produced by DVV Danayya. Pawan Kalyan and Tamanna are playing the leads in the movie, which is slated for a grand release on 1,600 screens on October 18 for this Dusshera. The music videos and trailers of the film have created a lot of curiosity among the film goers, who are eagerly waiting to watch the film.


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